Schwarzenegger Signs Law Decriminalizing Marijuana

Schwarzenegger Signs Law Decriminalizing Marijuana

Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US ~ Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill effectively making possession of up to an ounce of the drug equal to speeding. With this news, opponents of staunch drug laws are now holding their breath, wondering what’s next. From the Associated Press “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law late Thursday that reduces possession of an ounce or less from a misdemeanor to an infraction, with a maximum punishment of a $100 fine. Even as a misdemeanor, possession of up to an ounce of pot was still punishable only by a $100 fine and no jail time. But offenders also faced arrest, a possible court appearance and a criminal record.” Like Proposition 19, which could tear down the rest of the walls around marijuana in the Golden State come November, this move has less to do with the drug and more to do with the money it could make (or, in this case, save) California. Schwarzenegger, himself, said that he didn’t support decriminalization but recognized that officers and courts can’t afford to “expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket.” So…what’s next? — Cannabis stops cancer – Harvard Cannabis grows brain cells – Princeton US Govt Patented Medicinal Marijuana, US patent #6630507 Marijuana is illegal because it’s related to THE MOST VERSATILE plant on the planet… HEMP. “HEMP can’t get you high unless you smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole!” Dr. Ron Paul Fuel, Paper, Fiber, Food, Medicine

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