Schwarzenegger Signs Law Decriminalizing Marijuana

Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US ~ Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill effectively making possession of up to an ounce of the drug equal to speeding. With this news, opponents of staunch drug laws are now holding their breath, wondering what’s next. From the Associated Press “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law late Thursday that reduces possession of an ounce or less from a misdemeanor to an infraction, with a maximum punishment of a $100 fine. Even as a misdemeanor, possession of up to an ounce of pot was still punishable only by a $100 fine and no jail time. But offenders also faced arrest, a possible court appearance and a criminal record.” Like Proposition 19, which could tear down the rest of the walls around marijuana in the Golden State come November, this move has less to do with the drug and more to do with the money it could make (or, in this case, save) California. Schwarzenegger, himself, said that he didn’t support decriminalization but recognized that officers and courts can’t afford to “expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket.” So…what’s next? — Cannabis stops cancer – Harvard Cannabis grows brain cells – Princeton US Govt Patented Medicinal Marijuana, US patent #6630507 Marijuana is illegal because it’s related to THE MOST VERSATILE plant on the planet… HEMP. “HEMP can’t get you high unless you smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole!” Dr. Ron Paul Fuel, Paper, Fiber, Food, Medicine …
@theone91109 Here in Oregon too! OCTA 2012!
They are doing this because they are broke and need the funds. Soon the criminals running our countries will get a rude awakening. The world is waking at long last.
@Cinj216 He’s not a complete hypocrite. Not everyone that works with the law agrees with the laws they enforce; they just are glad to have a job.
He didn’t decriminalize it, he just reduced the penalty down to an infraction, which means all you get is a fine much like a speeding ticket. So he’s a hypocrite for smoking pot and finding nothing wrong with it, but yet feels that the average citizen should have to pay a $100 fine for being caught with it. Granted, it’s a move in the right direction, but it’s just not far enough especially considering his personal stance on the issue.
God Bless you Arnold. Arnold Schwatzenegger 2012!
@CypherCinema so in 2012 california will vote again for the legalization of cannabis?thank you
@theone91109 in 2012
Haha nice one arnie you dope smoking coke snorting sex case you haha !
@falcon2160 will marijuana ever be voted for it to be legal again?
Endocannabinoids like THC are made right in our bodies and then are used as neurotransmitters. As a tax payer, I’m pleased. As an experienced ER RN of 20+ yrs, I’m pleased as I’ve assisted with 2 anxiety attacks r/t to Cannabis use. I’m in favor of closer medical biochem and physiology sciences studying its 60+ analogs as I’m convinced of its potential medicinal benefits. We use a bunch of molecules that come from plants. We can regulate and tax it.
Hooray for the decriminalization of Pot.
This is great step in the right direction……Talk about going out in style….AWAHAHA Jack Slater.
It that bitch Arnold schwarzenigga and the fuckin Obama administration was in favor 4 prop 19 it would of fuckin passed but no people had all fuckin gay what a waste of time we could of made history
lets focus our time and arrest people for marijuana instead of arresting robbers rapers and murderers. Lets allow people to drink alcohal and abuse family members and friends, and kill people while driving drunk. Lets let a plant that treats pacients with cancer, AIDS, glucose, pain, rape victims, deppresion, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, low blood pressure,Insomnia, low bloood pressure,sleep deprivation be illegal…
Vote yes to Prop 19
@saygoodie right, but for the MAJORITY of us who do not own our own homes, or property that is not an option. and i refuse to give a dollar to a tobacco company.
@sicsoma if it were legal anyone could grow it
” And I also Inhaled! HAHAHAHAH”
@limoguy333 maybe because i wouldn’t want to buy weed from a tobacco company?
@sicsoma why wouldn’t you?
@limoguy333 why would i vote yes on 19 when pot is already decriminalized?
If all drugs are legalised then violent drug crime will reach zero.
1) Drug dealers wouldn’t need guns because their businesses would be over.
2) Drugs would be cheaper so people wouldn’t need to steal for their drugs.
Vote Yes on Prop 19!!!!
get out their and vote for prop 19 on November 2nd! every vote counts, especially since the polls are so close right now!
Billionaire businessman and philanthropist George Soros has contributed $1 million to the California ballot measure that would legalize marijuana for recreational use. -CapitalAlert October 26, 2010
@Mduenisch Exactly, and after the beheading he would let the head roll down the long stairs from Saddam’s throne.
@gammainn lol yeah I can imagine him…terminating our rights… going Conan on foreign countries… He wouldn’t have found and executed Sadam like Bush, he would’ve found him alone, single handed, and beheaded him with a sword made of steel, forged from a man whose first name has more syllables then the Earth does years in age, who used an anvil of pure lightning, a hammer of infant cranium, and a mold made out of angel wings.