Schwarzenegger Dodges Prop. 19 Questions

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, (R-Calif.), talks to Adam Shapiro in Venice Beach.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, (R-Calif.), talks to Adam Shapiro in Venice Beach.
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what most people don’t know is that when the governator first came to this country,the first people he hung out with and became friends with was tommy chong and cheech marin.tommy has said before that they used to get arnold high all the time. its funny that he rides past the head shops/kush doctors on venice beach but would’t anything about prop 19. I say yes
The man is a LEGEND!
@obigalish Arnold advocates it. If he doesnt want to say anything about prop 19 that’s his choice. Leave him alone.
lmfao @ 1:13 old guy looking for a handshake lol .damn
fuck fox news
Just suck mey on haze.
Fukk all the cali haters just jealous cuz were the best state
dont worry california ,even tho you are all lazy stoners that dont know how to register to vote, arnold passed a bill that will decriminalize marijuana to a civil infraction and a fine of $100 starting JAN 1 2011…so dont worry guys its getting better
wow hes totally on something…
what a joke it really is, fuck you cali
@WatchThisStoned yea hes baaaaaaked
Hey Arnold, what is your message that you are trained to keep on, that you are a hypocrite.
Just lost a lot of respect for Arnold.
Prop 19: FAIL
Drug Dealers: WIN
Definitely A Win For The Drug Cartel
eat my dick cali.
He looks high.
lets focus our time and arrest people for marijuana instead of arresting robbers rapers and murderers. Lets allow people to drink alcohal and abuse family members and friends, and kill people while driving drunk. Lets let a plant that treats pacients with cancer, AIDS, glucose, pain, rape victims, deppresion, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, low blood pressure,Insomnia, low bloood pressure,sleep deprivation be illegal…
Vote yes to Prop 19
The governator probably just got done shopping at one of those dispensaries.
@mihow23 Yah, I mean everything he’s definitively ever said regarding legalization was in favor if it.
@johnkunseo Mushroom slap? haha
I wanna slap that damn Ginger bitch
she says zombie nation watching t.v is making you a zombie dumb red head bitch
Everything else is really just hoopla. Same issues we face regardless if it is here or not. I smokes pot a few times in college, graduated with a masters, developed a family & a career and i am fine. Even my valedictorian still smokes (10 years later) & runs a successful software distribution company. I am very mixed here… my kids protection is important. IF PROP 19 GOES, A MESSAGE TO THE USERS. PLEASE DO NOT FUCK THIS UP!!! BE RESPONSIBLE! PLEASE!!
now that is a class A. asshole
Arnold Schwarzenegger admitting he is a spineless politician.