Ron Paul Supports Hemp! Vote YES on Prop 19!
Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US ~ Cannabis stops cancer – Harvard Cannabis grows brain cells – Princeton US Govt Patented Medicinal Marijuana, US patent #6630507 Marijuana is illegal because it’s related to THE MOST VERSATILE plant on the planet… HEMP. “HEMP can’t get you high unless you smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole!” Dr. Ron Paul Fuel, Paper, Fiber, Food, Medicine… Educate Yourself! Jack Herer, RIP “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” —Thomas Jefferson Time For A New American Revolution? ♥✿❀✿❀✿♥❀✿❀ http ✿❀✿❀✿♥
You the MAN!
RR 2012
man i was so happy to hear a president talk about how he would never let the police arrest patients that use marijuana n all that sweet stuff to get people like me to vote n which i did for his ass, n when i saw the actual video where he said that i was devasted n felt cheated
* Tobacco kills about 400,000
* Alcohol kills about 80,000
* Workplace accidents kill 60,000
* Automobiles kill 40,000
* Cocaine kills about 2,500
* Heroin kills about 2,000
* Aspirin kills about 2,000
* Marijuana kills 0
Know the TRUTH! Legalize drugs and stop this evil monopoly and murders! Alcohol and Tobacco Kills more Americans then illegal drugs. Our government is corrupted and we need to remove it before is too late!!!
lets focus our time and arrest people for marijuana instead of arresting robbers rapers and murderers. Lets allow people to drink alcohal and abuse family members and friends, and kill people while driving drunk. Lets let a plant that treats pacients with cancer, AIDS, glucose, pain, rape victims, deppresion, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, low blood pressure,Insomnia, low bloood pressure,sleep deprivation be illegal…
Vote yes to Prop 19
@TheGoalSetter Are you serious? This is not a legitimate question. Some other countries are using it but most still do not use it because they have similar drug laws to the U.S. And also the U.S. pays hundreds of thousands to Canada and other foreign countries to import the little hemp we currently use.
@LordHemphill Because he’s for gay marriage? Ugh, I’m so sick of people’s prejudices and hatreds towards the way strangers live. It’s understandable to dislike what people do, but to want them to be below other citizens and have less rights is against liberty and freedom, as Paul would say. Ron Paul is for real social freedom rather than controlling how people live. He himself doesn’t even like gay marriage, but he understands people are different
@Bilakaifa I am all for the states governing themselves wait a minute, isn’t that what the “Revolutionary War” was over? These idiots have become the Red Coats LAMO!!!!!
@TheGoalSetter Please read The Creature From Jekky Island by G. Edward Griffin it will make more sence then 500 characters on YT.
Most countries are deeply indebted to the IMF (The federal reserve/bank of England), that is accept the arab countries, go figure… But if you barrow some one elses money you do what they say do you not? Their money (TAX=THEFT money from tax payers), their rules. A really sad state of being for all people in the world, IMO.
If hemp is so awesome, why aren’t other countries using it to make them awesome countries?
It’s not that he is even for gay marriage. Being against the federal government mandating something does not mean you support it. He just wants the states to decide on that issue.
You know I have not supported Ron Paul in the past because he is for gay marriage. But after much deliberation I am 100% for Ron Paul for President in 2012. Let’s give this country back to the people. This is a country founded by the people, for the people not for the rich!