Ron Paul debates Stephen Baldwin on Legalizing Marijuana on CNN Larry King 03/13/2009 closed captioned closed captioned
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. โ The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling โUnless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
smoking cannabis is not a silly mistake, stephan baldwin ure a retard, ron….ive added u on facebook
Ron killed that, Conservatives r only kidding themselves if they think this drug war is working
common sense… then why is steven baldwin speaking?
Who cares if Michael Phelps smoked pot?! OMG! Who cares!
GetCelt… should of been called Getalife….You know shit……..You can’t patent Cannabis as its a plant so the big pharmecuticals dont want you to know the truth . So they spout out a load of scaremongering bollox whereas there is growing ‘independant’ evidence that Cannabis could be a ” Wonderdrug ” that could help people with hundreds of ailments. “Cannabis shrinks the brain” you say…well i’ve been smoking it for 20 years but i still know your a misinformed idiot.
@GetCeIt You know that information isn’t true I don’t smoke Marijuana but I am medical student and never heard of those symptoms. Its all propaganda. I went to Amsterdam and they have a great economy. Cancer Rates For males, the United States ranks 24th (163.2 per 100,000) from the highest; for females, the United States ranks 17th (109.7 per 100,000) out of 50 countries thats high for a country with more Drug regulation than any other country…
@jigme911 Not really a lie, you’d be surprised how many people have never even seen weed.
@FatToti Maybe GetCelt is overdosing on those mind-altering chemicals present in chocolate ๐
I can provide direct links, but you can start by typing “marijuana shrinks the brain,” “marijuana testicular cancer,” “marijuana delusions psychosis,” and “marijuana risk fatal accidents” into Google.
i think alcohol is more dangerous than weed lol.
but it is funny the old guy laughed and lied o i have did weed by myself or stayed with anyone in the room. wt a big lie! MUHAHAHAH
@GetCeIt where did you get these statistics? I would like to review them myself.
@GetCeIt Now that wouldn’t be keeping with what the fore father spoke about now would it!!!
If you want to ban alcohol, that’s fine. Most people think the impacts of prohibition would outweigh even the substantial impacts of legalization, but you’re free to disagree. That’s a separate video, though. This one is about marijuana, which shrink the brain, doubles your risk of psychosis, quadruples your risk of delusions, doubles your risk of aggressive testicular cancer, and triples your risk of killing people with your car regardless of whether alcohol is legal or illegal at this moment.
baldwin is such a dumbass
GetCelt is the perfect example of the average retard who really believes hes thinking on his own. I implore you do not EVER think like GetCelt. Do your research, dont begin every sentence with “Numerous studies have shown…” without having ANY idea what you’re talking about or having background checked AT ALL. Weed isnt all good, but its not half bad either. Just look up the facts and form an opinion by yourself. Dont believe the hype. I’m gonna go get high now. I have to study tomorrow. PEACE!
@GetCeIt But it has changed, bitch. Alcohol kills a 100.000 people a year. Don’t think of it as a number, think of it as eliminating a city or a town near you every single year. Every single weekend in my country the town becomes a chaotic mess. When you drink, you get violent. You kill brain cells in huge amounts. Your natural inhibitions are loosened up. Facts. When you smoke weed, you calm down. How many deaths a year does weed cause, asswipe? Do link a research. Fucking ape. You’re hopeless.
i celebrate lyk that every 2-3 days
Baldwin’s position is a “faith statement” and not based on reason; the over-all tone is not convincing to thinking people. Ron Paul comes off as a geniune realist.
baldwin is acting all the time just make buck ๐ i dont care what anybody says about him but there’s millions poorer ppl who need help more than this clown.
Hemp oil is the richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (the good fats)
Marijuana’s illegal for the same reason as anything else—the harms of legalization outweigh the benefits (if any). Alcohol’s legal only because the harms of prohibition outweighed the benefits, at the time. When that changes, we’ll revisit. What’s your next red herring, bitch?
Baldwin is funny, crack heads for brothers but lock up pot smokers.
He is a fool….Baldwin is a Base head…
Technically according to a defensive driving class i went to… smoking a cig affects your eyes and if u smoke while driving, it leaves you with one hand at times. Thats why I pull over and pull out the bong
@GetCeIt I’m still waiting for an answer from you. Why is alcohol legal and weed illegal?
“Nobody deserves a bong hit more than Micheal Phelps.”-Bill Maher