rate my yugioh deck and help me upgrade it?

monsters: uria,lord of searing flames Hamon,lord of striking thunder Raviel, lord of phantasms
2 zure,knight of dark world
malice doll of demise
gemini elf
la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp
mask of darkness
scarr, scout of dark world
2 archifiend soldier
renge, gatekeeper of dark world
flash assailant
spirit reaper
winged minion
spells:monster reborn
gravekeepers servant
wave motion cannon
banner of courage
premature burial
yellow luster shield
lightning vortex
2 differnt dimension capsule
dark room of nightmare
mystical space typhoon
mask of dispel
a feather of the phoenix
pot of greed
ground collapse
traps: coffin seller
call of the haunted
ultimate offering
bad reaction to simochi
the eye of truth
shattered axe
it is a pretty good deck but you might want to get some more monster cards but don’t get to many that can lower your chance of keeping in the game grt some magic cards that can add to your life points like ” Dian Keto the Cure Master”
i notice you have Dark World monsters but lack discard power for them. simply replace scarr and flash assailant with 2 more malice dolls or 1900 attackers(i say put in the malice dolls and x2 ectoplasmers) you also need to add a few more continuous and normal trap cards(beef up uria) but overall, after those improvisions, id say good job.
8.9 out of 10. Add some traps like Magic Cylinder, Sakuretsu Armor, and Draining Shield to prevent your monsters from attacking and help you in the process.