Rate fix my Girls deck!?

so my girl recently got in to Yu-Gi-Oh, and made a deck with one of my friends, it realy dosnt have a base theme, but it focus’s around preventing the opponent from attacking, gaining a SHIT load of LP, and it does a bunch of LP damage to the opponent(burn deck sort of)
she asked me to get some feedback for her so here is the deck list, thanks and be kind! LOL
this deck is not build for a tournament, so dont mention that the deck has a shit load of banned/limited cards.
cure mermaid
des koala
gyroid X2
wall of illusion
princess of tsurgi X2
neo spacian air hummingbird X2
penguin soldier
stealth bird
skull mark ladybug
sonic chick
spirit reaper
dupe frog
golden ladybug X3
ookazi X3
dian keto the cure master X3
kaiser colosseum X3
toll X3
pot of greed X2
wave motion cannon X2
poison of the old man X2
dark room of nightmare X2
dark hole
the dark door
level limit area b
gravity bind X3
cemetery bomb X2
just desserts X2
coffin seller
torrential tribute
the whole point of the deck is to stall, and gain a shit load of lp, so that the opponent will either deck out eventually or be burned enough to lose
You should at least follow traditional, the deck itself is horribly slow, useless healing cards, useless cards like dian keto and such, useless 1 ime burn like ookazi, not enough stalls, use limit area B, threatening roar, take out any healing cards, add another wave motion, other stall cards like marshmallon and add burner like more stealth bird, add in des lacooda for draw power, etc etc
The problem with Gaining LP is, it really doesn’t matter, not liek your gonna spend your LP on anything really, dian eto is completely useless, you gain 1000, you lose 1, pretty much all your gonna do is waste your 1 time burns or gain 1 time LP, so you will have 0 cards in hand while your opponent will pretty much swarm and kill you, your better off having stalls and burn, recovering LP is pretty pointless unless your using a fire princess, psychic or other things that requires alot of LP.
Your opponent will not deck out, burn deck have barely any chance of decking out an opponent before they get killed, if your facing something like blackwings, they wont deck out, they will swarm and they will beat you quickly.
Pretty much the same as pika2 there..but if u really want to keep this deck..put three fire princess an one or two ufo turtle to get her out quicker and start burning ur opponent…
ceasefire will work too…put messenger of peace instead of coffin seller…