questions about becoming a pharmacist.?

1) I was drug tested once and came positive with amphetamines and THC (back in october, only a two month stint with marijuana, tried adderall one time) and I was wondering if that’ll be on my record forever, or will it be erased when I’m 18?
2) Would my record affect my chance of becoming a pharmacist? Can they even check my medical records, and if so, would seeing those things on my drug record hurt my chances even though I was 16 at the time (seventeen now, not planning on going to pharmacy school til’ after 2 years comm. college.. so like i’ll be 24 when i graduate from pharm school..)
3) how does it work after your graduate from pharm. school? like, do you have to do an internship first, or train, etc?
also, i do not plan on doing retail pharmacy so don’t rant about that, plz, and thanks.
Umm. I think there are a lot of pharmacists who were doing something or other. I dont think that will be on your record. If there is a question about addiction, then you may have to attend some sort of rehab, but I dont think they are going to look at that.
Nowadays, you have to apply for your PharmD. (Doctorate) where as before you didn’t. You will have internship, (likely doing rotations in a hospital)…
So what if you have access to drugs. There are several pharmacists who use or have abused drugs. It happens. Not that I am minimizing it. The board just requires they attend weekly NA meetings or whatever. But I don’t think that will be an issue unless it were somehow involved with your career (ie busted taking someone’s narcs while you were working or arrested having these things on you.) You may (and only not likely) be required to submit a urine screening.
Also there are lots of jobs you can do that do not require you be around any drugs at all and still have your pharm-d.
Once licensed you just have to take your SPI (yearly hours). for your license and you have to update your license however your state pharmacist board requires. Also if you have further concerns you can call any pharmacy board for your state and check with them.