questions about becoming a pharmacist.?

questions about becoming a pharmacist.?

1) I was drug tested once and came positive with amphetamines and THC (back in october, only a two month stint with marijuana, tried adderall one time) and I was wondering if that’ll be on my record forever, or will it be erased when I’m 18?

2) Would my record affect my chance of becoming a pharmacist? Can they even check my medical records, and if so, would seeing those things on my drug record hurt my chances even though I was 16 at the time (seventeen now, not planning on going to pharmacy school til’ after 2 years comm. college.. so like i’ll be 24 when i graduate from pharm school..)

3) how does it work after your graduate from pharm. school? like, do you have to do an internship first, or train, etc?

also, i do not plan on doing retail pharmacy so don’t rant about that, plz, and thanks. 🙂

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