Question for Gun-Control Advocates?

Question for Gun-Control Advocates?

I’m sure you are all bitter about today’s ruling by the SC. My question is this: Gun-Ban people tend to think that banning guns will reduce gun crime. Perhaps it will to a minute degree. However, the vast majority of gun crimes are not domestic, they occur on the street by criminals. Now, (stay with me) Criminals, by their very nature, pay no attention to the gun bans in places like Chicago or DC. How is it logical then, to assume that a ban will help? It basically disarms honest people and leaves them at the mercy of the criminals.

ex: Marijuana is banned in all 50 states, yet is probably as pervasive as tylenol. If this ban didn’t work, why would a similar ban on guns work? It obviously didn’t in Chicago or DC. They have total bans and STILL have the highest crime rates per capita in the country.

Help me out here.

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