Question about weed and alcohol addiction?

Is it safe to say that some people are just stronger and not prone to addiction?
Marijuana advocates are mainly those who have self control to consume it occasionally without the negative effects that go with it.
Btw. is there any validity to the claims that “moderate” marijuana use is not harmful?
btw. I’m only addicted to the internet, but not substances. Just want to get some knowledge.
marijuana is not harmful. nor is it addictive.
Marijuana is bad. M’kay. And if you do marijuana you’re bad. Because Drugs are bad. M’kay.
It doesn’t have to do with strength. People not prone to addiction don’t have anything to fight. They aren’t even tempted to wreck their lives on a chemical, so they don’t have to be strong to resist it. Usually those who can’t resist it have some emotional pain in their lives and see the drug as an escape from that and it snowballs. there is something to say for genetics too, but that is overblown in my opinion. And yes, moderate pot use is harmless. As harmless as having an occasional beer except for the one glaring problem of it being illegal. Having a beer won’t land you in jail and smoking a joint can… so in that sense it is harmful. Physically, not harmful however. Study after study has shown that in moderate doses, it doesn’t do anything bad to you. There are people prone to panic attacks that can have a panic attack from it though.
Pot will only give you the munchies which may cost you to gain weight, ’cause when your high you don’t feel like doing anything but watch TV or sit around and listen to music!
Alcohol addiction is completely different! You will soon find yourself losing family, jobs, home, etc. And the only person that can help you is yourself! If you wait for an Intervention you resent it! If you find that your sending too much money, seek expert advice, go to a rehab, AA meetings, change your hangouts, drinking buddies, at least drink soda or water when with them! There is a pill that I use called “Camprall” that takes away the urges & cravings! It works great for me!
weed isn’t addictive! there is no chemicals inside of it that makes you need it when you don’t have any. however it has a mental or physical dependency, which can happen to anyone who does it a lot, no matter how many self control you have. a dependency is when you don’t really enjoy yourself without it and always have a want for it. that “want” that you have for it isn’t addictive because you don’t get sick if you don’t have it.
Weed is adictive just like any other drug. I know quite a few drug addicts and you know what…every one of them does weed. A lot of them got into harder drugs because of pot.
And don’t forget that smoking pot is still smoking. It has the same effect on your lungs that smoking does. Cancer is cancer whether it’s from cigarettes or pot.
Getting addicted to drugs or alcohol has nothing to do with how ‘strong’ you are or how much will power you have. The last research I read was talking about a chemical in your brain that inhibits addiction. As you do more drugs you burn out that chemical and get more and more addicted. Some people have more of that chemical but if they do enough drugs they will still get addicted.
It’s safe to say that people are stronger and not as prone to addiction- not physically stronger, mentally. Before I started smoking weed I told and promised myself I would never smoke a cigarette in my life. three years later my lungs are tobacco-free!(well, except for at the hookah bar. but that’s mostly molasses and other stuff) Also, No. Marijuana is harmful to your body. pretty much any form of gas, smoke, or fume is harming your lungs some more than others. It is said though, that if you put a long-life pot smoker and cigarette smoker’s lungs next to each other, the cigarette smokers lungs are WAY worse. Marijuana is not scientifically addictive, but before I gave a break on weed, I was always wanting a blunt to smoke.
weed is addictive! it cause a nice feeling which you and you brain loves the more you do it the more you brain get used to it and need more to get the same feeling. this is the same with alcohol. if you have mental illness in the family you are more likelyy to form those illness when you have weed. week damages the lungs nad long term you brain and you find it hard to concerntrate and the to get through the day with out it.