Provo Utah, Protesting for Marijuana law reform, educating Mr. Police officer on the subject

Provo Utah, Protesting for Marijuana law reform, educating Mr. Police officer on the subject of marijuana law reform, and the statistics on marijuana harm. This police officer decided to harass me while I was protesting, for obviously no other reason than just just harass me. It was a good opportunity to inform this officer on some basic facts surrounding marijuana law reform.
@xcannabiscom Interesting! I never knew that. I guess I was wrong.
So, how do you think said patent affects current drug law in the United States? I’m Canadian, so the laws are very different up here regarding marijuanna.
@MrJohnnyOldschool Untrue about the government only patenting a particular strain. They patented a biological compound that is found in ALL cannabis. This is NOT limited to one particular strain. Just check out US Patent 6630507 titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” which is assigned to The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services.
@xcannabiscom The US has a patent on their specific strain of the marijuana that they dispense. That doesn’t mean they own the plant.
I don’t advocate drug use. I don’t think drinking or doing drugs is ever a good idea. However, alcohol is legal in the US, and people die from drinking too much all the time. But marijuana is non-toxic. You can’t die from it no matter how much you smoke. So why is it illegal? If we make marijuana illegal, shouldn’t we make alcohol illegal too?
@proudtobeLDS26 Who created marijuana? Further more, do you think God would want you to wish death on people as you have just done in this comment? The Bible says that God is love, and that there is no condemnation in Christ. Christ himself said to love your neighbor as yourself.
You gave too much information dude. Watch how the situation escalated after you told him about your past. Take note HE DOESNT GIVE A SHIT about your message, only about getting enough info to arrest you. Also be very careful in Utah. They are an underground theocracy, make no mistake about it, I was raised there and will NEVER Return.
dude you gave him too much info, he needed a warrant to obtain your personal information. I’ve met that cop before, he seemed to be a really cool cop but I would never give him my personal info for simply protesting. If he said he would take me to jail or force me in anyway then I would do it under duress and charge him $1000 for personal info he wanted from me. Its all good dude they intimidate people that way and try to make you think you have to give them your info.
@proudtobeLDS26 Seriously, it’s the ignorant Mormons fuckbags who don’t know ANYTHING about marijuana that keep the law the way it is in Utah. Do some research about marijuana before you open your uneducated mouth. And don’t give me shit about God and whatnot because I was raised LDS, your just like the typical Mormon with the exception that you like to go trolling on YouTube.
Can you give me some links or info on what I can do to help the legalization? I live in Taylorsville, UT and would really like to help in anyway possible.
@proudtobeLDS26 pots not addictive and it dosent kill brain cells.and i dont think God’s ”jealosy” is a very good argument,because we dont know if hes real,let alone what he thinks or wants.
@timcrow420 ur mother. ’nuff said.
@noobHNTer when u become addicted to something God gets mad. Thats because the lord our God is a jealous God so keep smoking and killing brain cells. BRAVO! and yes I am mormon.
your a dumb meathead. shut up.
cops are ass holes here, hardly find good cops
@proudtobeLDS26 wow a marine that can beat a pot head, u must be proud of one deseves to die btw,and i dont think your god would approve of your hatred.also the drug war is a bigger waste of public money than junkies.lastley you shoulden’t have to pay for potheads treatment or jail time.they should not get arrested for pot and most of them are forced into treatment and dont need it(pots not addictive).
@xcannabiscom good job,its obviously not impossible but i think drug if reform would be a tough sell there cus of most of them bieng mormon ,they even have they’re scruples about caffene.(the cafene thing might be about christian scientists,please correct me if im wrong,and pardon my ignorance.any reform is greatly apreceated and i admire your persistance though gl and thank you.
@noobHNTer See my latest video, I just got an unconstitutional law in Springville Utah abolished. Law reform can happen, and IS happening in Utah as we speak!
guy is making it drag out longer.the cop is still wrong to waste time and resources like that though.legalize it,btw its no use protesting pot in a place like utah lol
Ive been in Utah since 2006. California before that since 1988. Pot is not an evil thing, im sicked and tired of these un-educated people thinking that a plant of nature should remain outlawed. What is so evil about a plant?
Mr Marine you need to research marijuana alittle bit more before saying only good pot heads are dead pot heads. Get a fucking clue dude, your an idiot. Marine or not
@proudtobeLDS26 Though so big guy, Thanks for playing!
@tronclay u watch your language. or i ill wash ir mouth out with soap. LOL wanna go see air bender?
@proudtobeLDS26 Alright. So when arguing with some about MARIJUANA you think you validate your points by talking about heroine and meth? Huh? What the hell?Do you know of any federally funded “marijuana addict” treatment? Go look it up before you respond. If the only way you can refute someone about marijuana is to bring up other unrelated substances, then you have lost.
@tronclay not true. we pay 4 people who need treatment for heroin addiction. do u want to legalize heroin or crystal meth? which have absolutely no positive effects on the body. ur statement is as accurate as obama saying the economy is better. and we have to pay for people who take pcp. i personal hate junkies because they choose to put that in their bodies than cry about it. u gotts to be kidding me!
@usaaok1000 A panzy for not wanting to deal with horrible pain from some ungodly cancer or disease? What are you some kind of braindead fucking moron? You probably get drunk every night after work on the cheapst crap beer you can find, then turn around and look down upon a marijuana smoker?
You are a disgrace. I cannot imagine what kind of fucked up up-bringing could produce such a mindless, ignorant piece of trash such as yourself.
@proudtobeLDS26 The only “treatment” you pay for is when another random victim of this assbackwards system gets jailtime just for using or possessing something HARMLESS like marijuana, and WE ALL have to pay for them to be needlessly held for nonviolent crimes with OUR taxpayer money.
You are a fucking idiot.
@proudtobeLDS26 You are too much of a coward to even show your face on Youtube.