proposition 19 and marijuana?

what are your thoughts and feelings toward California’s proposition 19 and or your thoughts and feelings towards marijuana. To all you haters, listen.
there has never been one freaking reported case of someone being addicted to marijuana, if it didn’t have coc or tobacco mixed with it.
also. never been one report of anyone O.D’ing from it, lastly, no one has ever died from it.
also, if it were legalized, in California alone, it would benefit the economy by 20 BILLION dollars every YEAR. vegetables get 7 billion a year. cannabis is the #1 cash crop in America.
so learn you idiots. learn.
speakin of alcohol, this is exactly like alcohol prohibition. when it was outlawed, people still wanted to drink it. just like people want to use marijuana today. also, there would be an age limit. 21. because if teens use marijuana before their brain is fully developed, their brain cells would die.
Honestly, I don’t think that it would bring that much money into the economy, because the market would be saturated with the stuff. But marijuana’s okay as far as drugs go. It doesn’t make people go crazy or scratch their skin off. I wouldn’t really care if it was legalized, just as long as there were legal age limits and penalties for diving under its influence. Just another alcohol, really.
It would be a step in the right direction, it has never killed anyone, if people want to use it they should be allowed. I have seen on these threads people keep saying, “of course is in not good for you, it is illegal for a reason” and all other BS like that. These are the people who will never question the laws that their governments pass. What I say to that is that governments are not always right and it is people like us who question the current laws who bring about the changes that will make the world a better place. 80 years ago in Britain, women were not allowed to vote, were the government right then? NO!. 40 years ago in Britain, you could be thrown in prison for being gay, was the government correct then, NO!.
I would be against it.
We have enough accidents already on the roads due to drunk driving, cell-phone use, texting, etc.
Do we really need to add another hazardous item to the list?
@darrin b: I think you fail to recognize that cannabis already exists, people already smoke it, and so there is no “new hazardous item to add to the list”. Not to mention, cannabis can hardly be referred to as hazardous. Though I don’t condone driving while high.
Prop 19, is imperfect, but provides a solid foundation for the first state level legalization. There is room for improvement.
My concern is that centralizing legalization may cause a lot more trafficking from California to other states. And since it’s still illegal federally, this will most likely be done by the same criminals (or like minded criminals) who traffick drugs from Mexico. This is why (one of many reasons, that is) full scale legalization is so important.
But California paved the road for medical cannabis, seems like natural progression for them to lead the way to full scale legalization.