Prop19 Ad: California Marijuana Legalization

On Tuesday November 2nd, citizens of California will have the opportunity to vote on the legalization of marijuana with Prop19.
On Tuesday November 2nd, citizens of California will have the opportunity to vote on the legalization of marijuana with Prop19.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
in my face
Thats what she said
Tax, regulate, and control sounds like fascism to me.
Glad you lost.
Sounds like a recipe for fascism.
Sorry, we’re fresh out of fascism.
Great video!
@liminted6215 greatest doc of all time.
@littlejackson55 greatest weed doc of all time.
Oh shit! That was yesterday…Damn short term memory loss, lol.
I voted no on 19 lol today
If Stephen Hawking supports Prop 19 then everyone should! lmao :]]
Drug cartels are making a “vote no” prop19 campaign because they don’t want to legalize the drug production, that would mess up their business ….. i hope i was in california to vote YES to prop19….. LEGALIZE IT… RECOGNIZE IT… Marijuana doesn’t kill…. alcohol, cocaine, heroin and crack do…..
today is the day get your ass out and vote YEEEES
tell everyone who doesnt want it legalized to watch the union
Legalize it please!?!
@housetaboo the only stupid people are the ones who drink alcohol cant walk cant talk normal these stupid people are like zombies that never die the good person dies but the drunk allways lives, weed you can walk normal work normal talk normal and be way smarter than the stupid drunk……mabey to many drunks in cali and not and enough stoners…..
@LoveKingArthur if you dont already know the whole thing is about money who cares how much it costes it will be legal i will pay anything or legal weed and as for restrictions who cares it will be legal smoke in your house bar but dont drive stoned dont give to little kids how hard is that to follow, what clairification do you need
From what iv’e herd the man behind the proposition is some rich guy and it is full of unfair rules and restrictions. as in for a small business to grow you need a license which will cost 60,000 a year.
can anyone clarify?
“this was so fake” HAHAHAHA
can’t fool you
but, no, not really a great ad.
i wish i was down there so i could get my voted counted!
pretty jealous.
Study: Alcohol is the most lethal drug, outranking heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana. “Drugs that are legal cause at least as much damage, if not more, than drugs that are illicit,” -LATimes November 1, 2010
Check out
Yes on Prop. 19 Californians let’s end the lies that have followed a FAILED prohibition for many years.
ENT love Pineapples for everyone.
haha there is enuff stupid people in ca !
with a bit of moderation?
420 oooo yea