Prop 19- Will it be legal to smoke marijuana in public?

If so how do people not see this as extremely flawed? Personally I get very dizzy any time I am around marijuana being smoked (second hand). One can also get high from second hand smoke.
People compare it to public alcohol consumption, it isn’t the same at all. You can’t get second hand drunk. And second hand cigarette smoke does not impair you like marijuana does.
I dread the day that this proposition passes and I will have to constantly walk by people smoking pot and I will have to hold my breath to avoid passing out in the middle of the street…
No, only at home or in designated places (such as dispensaries).
in sorry but the use of drugs is just umproper so you really shouldnt do that where ever you are
its dirty and not cool
Who would ever want to be in public if Prop 19 is passed?
you as well as some of the answerers to you question are very clearly uneducated on this topic.
you DO NOT get high from second hand cannabis smoke..ESPECIALLY if you were outside..
if you feel is psychosomatic.
you won’t like my answer..but if you were to EDUCATE’d know this is not true..
you have been brainwashed.
time to seek the truth.
Legalization of personal marijuana-related activities
Except as permitted under Proposition 215 and SB 420 laws, persons age 21 and older:
May possess up to 1 ounce (28 g) of marijuana for personal consumption.
May use marijuana in a non-public place such as a residence or a public establishment licensed for on site marijuana consumption.
May grow marijuana at a private residence in a space of up to 25 square feet (2.3 m2) for personal use.