Prop 19 to legalize marijuana?

Would you vote to legalize marijuana? This is to those people who say the FED’s wouldnt alow it.
There simply are not enough federal authorities to enforce their own federal laws if California were to pass proposition 19. This is the most populous state in the nation and is the number 1 producer of marijuana for the entire country. If the federal government had the ability to clamp down on marijuana production in California they would have done it already, but they haven’t because they don’t have the man power to do so and passage of prop 19 would make their job even more impossible to enforce federal laws.
The federal government would have no choice but to revise their own laws in response to proposition 19 to allow California an exemption, otherwise millions of tax dollars would go to waste fighting an impossible battle.
Millions more*
21 + Just like alcohol. Have you been to California, there’s weed in every street corner everywhere. Mexicans have flooded the country with bud.
Have flooded the state*
Have flooded the state*
Just because the federal government can’t stop it doesn’t mean they’d actually have to change the law to allow it
they could just let it stay illegal under federal law without actually doing anything to stop it. In fact that’s probably what would happen
“otherwise millions of tax dollars would go to waste fighting an impossible battle”
That’s already what’s happening.
Hell yes!
I do not live in California, but I would vote to legalize it and also prostitution.
people get charged in federal court for selling legal pot even though the state tells them its AOK. that seems unfair and misleading on the states part.
i think it should be legalized on the federal level 1st and let the free market take its course.
but i plan on voting no on 19 just to piss off the pot heads.
No. I don’t want my kids buying marijuana in mini-mart like stores. California is stupid, they are trying to get rid of happy meals and soda pop machines but give our kids weed!
I only wish this were a national ballot. Of course I would vote yes
Just declare open hunting season on all stoners and potheads. Let the law-abiding citizens clean up the pot users.
Kill ’em all.
Enforcement problem solved.
Yes sir
Yeah. I honestly think pharmaceutical companies are holding back legalization because of the money they would lose.
Feel free to correct me if i’m wrong. I only did a few minutes of research.
Marijuana in not directly prohibited by an act of congress.
Instead it is blanket prohibited by the use of the “Controlled Substances Act” and has been classified as a schedule 1 drug. Classifications are drafted and reviewed by DEA and HHS. Also substances can be to added or deleted via petition from any interested party to these authorities.
Unlike prohibition, the 18th amendment to the Constitution, these bands are decided by bureaucracy and don’t hold the same authority as congress or the Constitution. Therefore are subject to compromise and negotiation.
Its good to see that people are finally realizing that all the propoganda against marijuana is false. My friends smoke marijuana with 0 consequences and it is far safer than many other things that are legal. This bill will also make so much money for the state and i say we put it right back towards education. Also lets spend our time catching some real criminals instead of harmless peaceful pot smokers. But it doen’t matter if your for or against marijuana what people put in their own bodies is their own bussiness.
Most recent poll:
Certain YES: 50
Certain NO: 40
uncertain: 10