Prop 19: Should Californians legalize marijuana?

On November 2, 2010, California voters will decide whether or not to legalize marijuana. If passed, Proposition 19 would control marijuana like alcohol, allowing adults 21 years of age and over to possess up to an ounce of pot for personal consumption and grow marijuana at a private residence in a space of up to 25 square feet. The initiative would also allow local governments to tax and regulate the commercial cultivation, transport, and sale of marijuana. In order to get a handle on the debate surrounding. Prop 19, we spoke to both supporters and opponents of the initiative. So what do you think? Should Californians legalize marijuana? Approximately 6 minutes. Produced by Paul Feine and Alex Manning. Go to for HD, iPod and audio versions of this video and subscribe to’s YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.
I don’t see the problem. Are we supposed to just go along with everything the feds say. Is this not our country too. People change and so should the laws. The police was basically sayin oh it’s illegal so we should just accept it and be set in our ways. Please Cali vote yes on prop 19. Get the ball rolling for the rest of us
legalize it, tax it, get stoned out of the national debt. what’s not to love?
haven’t had a chance to read it yet but it sounds a lot like the restrictions on alcohol.
Type prop19 into wikipedia they have list of all the polls. The last one was actually in favor of legalizing, but opponents (media) like to use the one that is seeing prop19 fail to demoralize the “yes” campaign and voters.
Californians must get out and and actually vote for it to pass. At the end of the day it will be voter turnout (that can’t be registered by polls) that decides.
Here is what Abraham Lincoln has to say on this issue:
“Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.”
~ Abraham Lincoln, Speech, 18 Dec. 1840, to Illinois House of Representatives.
last i heard it was 49% no, 44% yes. i don’t have a source at-hand though.
@0HippyHunter0, glad I could help.
@PaladinHojo you cant smoke and drive!!! dont you see what they are doing….they are lieing to us with false info! do your research buddy! kids hit up house partys and get cross faded either way! i rather buy a blunt from wal mart than a drug dealer who has a .45 strapped to his belt line!
Is reality that bad?
@daymyth I am pretty show there are a lot of botanists and biologists working it the field currently, soon they will just do it legally and pay taxes.
i guess pot is illigal because you can drive on it…. but alcohol is legal because nobody drives when they drink right? or maybe its because our kids can get it if its legalized because gang members and drug dealers ID and stores dont. the argument for no on prop 19 is ridiculous.
@SuperSneakySteve It’s a non biased video, but I only saw good points on the “Yes” side.
@Loathomar Hey more work for botanists and biologists, how can i say now?
I got excellent grades and I still smoke weed.Doesn’t ruin my education.
@anto1191 Alcohol is a depressant, just to clarify… And I’ll take that as a “yes.”
I watched a family member with cancer suffer until they were allowed to use medical cannabis. I support marijuana legalization and Prop 19 because it will take the strain of fighting a drug war that we are losing off the shoulders of the government. It will save us billions of dollars every year. Please, vote YES on Prop 19.
Vote Yes
The cop had absolutely nothing to put on the table except that pot smokers are morally bankrupt. But what he isnt telling you is that he pops 10 oxycontins every day to ease back pain (for example). Now you tell me why preferring the high of a legal drug (yet a dangerous one in high doses) makes him morally superior to me, who prefers the high of a harmless natural substance. “because the government said so” isnt good enough anymore. There is too much information out there not to know the truth
I think this is the first balanced non biased video I’ve ever seen. Good points on both sides!
4:53…Morally bankrupt? I think we crossed that line when we let politicians bail-out Wallstreet on tax payer dollars!!!
Morally bankrupt?
@psychokilla6669 Ya, that was one of the weakest arguments I had heard. We can grow tobacco or brew beer too, but we don’t, even though they are taxes. People don’t even roll their own cigarette when a pack cost $5 with ~1g of tobacco, when you can buy ~225g of tobacco for $14, add 250 papers for >$10, you get 250 cigarette for ~$15 or the price of 60 cigarette… People are lazy… but pot people will are be horticulturalists when it is legal…
“…are we as a society willing to accept another intoxicant?”
This is the stupidest of the arguments. These people would have us believe that no one is using cannabis now and by legalizing it, all of the sudden there will be a new drug in town. The whole point is millions of people use it now and don’t want to go to jail for it!
I say legalize it! (and i don’t even smoke it)
@dankeschone ACtually I think overdosing in general would occur less frequently with total legalization of narcotics. Because the drugs wouldn’t be made by some chemistry student in his basement or whatever, it would be made by people who would be much more invested in their drug’s quality and of course they would be much better suited to make them, education and equipment wise.
Just wanted to throw that in there.