Prop 19, Marijuana Legalization: Expert Legal Analysis

Actual Legal Text: Wikipedia Facts: NoOnProp19 FAQ (dumbshit fuckers):
Actual Legal Text: Wikipedia Facts: NoOnProp19 FAQ (dumbshit fuckers):
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@smurfbroz I smoke responsibly, I don’t eat candy I don’t drink any thing with soda(other than the occasional beer) i do exercise every day, and i like to kick back on week ends and smoke with my friends, my parents know I smoke the don’t like it but they understand that this is my body and my choice, my health is great condition
What is wrong with that, why should i be put in jail for this? you should smoke some time I’m sure you’ll have a blast.
@smurfbroz The only thing that helps the drug cartels fund themselves is prohibition, they don’t want weed to be legal because if it was then the money would go to the people and the government instead of to their violent gangs.
Weed doesn’t destroy, families you never hear about a man smoking a joint then beating his wife, but you do hear that about alcohol and that is legal.
Weed does not lead to harder drugs, the same way juice doesn’t lead to alcohol.
This is my body, not yours.
@THADI0US ya let the drug cartels come here and shoot more innocent peolpe. let weed destroy families and ruin lives. let it lead others to worse durgs. have more people die from legalizing it then by not legalizing it
@smurfbroz I know total fail, let the gang and cartel violence continue, let criminals get paid and fund their gang/turf wars, let innocent people get caught in the cross fire, let kids be exposed to hard drugs being offered to them by pushers(when was the last time a 711 clerk offered you crack?) and when all these billions of dollars in money can go to the nation, no lets keep it illegal so criminals can fund their turf wars.
i heard it didnt pass

but i live in holland and im happy that here is still legalized
so ppl come over here and u can get stoned
You know me, that I hold Christian beliefs. But my beliefs do not negate your propositions in this video. Bro, you are spot on!
@spikesmth I dont know about that. I dont have good access to weed, and as a result of it, i dont go out looking for suppliers. However, i can easily get alcohol even though im not 21. I know that one is MUCH cheaper than the other, even though one (weed) feels better than the other. If i were to have more access to weed and it was near the price of alcohol, not even cheaper than it, i would definitely buy weed. I guess well see if 19 passes.
all u guys lets vote , dont vote only in u tube.
the politic talk fries my brain cells way more than weed ever has
@spikesmth lol thx for the tip
it’s funny listening to all the doomsayers going on about how legalizing weed will be the end of us all, bunch of morons….
And when it comes to putting the laws in order for pot smoking, all they need to do is copy the laws pertaining to alcohol usage, replace the word alcohol with Marijuana wherever it appears and determine what concentration of it in the blood stream will constitute a DUI. Done.
Ugh every time I turn on a cop show, I facepalm at the “busts” they do where they only find weed. Don’t we have better things to waste our resources on?
You cannot drink and work/drive, why would anyone think they would enact a law that would allow you to be high while doing the same activities.
@crackerkiller89 Alcohol will lose less than 1% total consumption. Drinkers gon’ drink, smokers gon’ smoke no matter what the laws.
@M0US3P0T4TO Dude, you have to realize that this website was probably set up by Beer producers and manufacturers. They KNOW that 19 wont do that, they just lie out of their asses because they see the competition that marijuana will be to alcohol. They KNOW they will lose a LOT of customers because as it stands, alcohol is STILL MUCH cheaper than weed. However the new law would probably make it on par with it. And if that happens, theyll kiss a LOT of customers goodbye.
@615Deathdealer Ahhem… LA fucking sucks… go NorCal
Legalize it! Fuck yea Im moving to LA
Legalize it oh yea.
support the drug cartells vote no on prop 19
@anthonzi Just off the top, Sched. I: Illegal to possess, produce, transport, sell or ingest.
“I smoke weed and I read biaatcchhhhh” should be your new slogan
I never liked weed very much, although i have smoked several times with friends. In all honesty, alcohol is more dangerous.
i heard some guy say alcohol is already legal and so we don’t need anymore legal substances to alter our consciousness. i think i said it a little less dumbly, but that was his point. as if the legalization of alcohol is a reason to keep marijuana illegal. smdh.
@blazereef another thing lol
I was once called a jew by a neo-nazi on here