Prop 19 in Calif. versus other legalizations?

I have a question that just occurred to me today.
I hear SO many people (i.e. on the radio, on television, young people being interviewed, high school kids in my neighborhood, etc. etc.) endorsing the passage of California Proposition 19 to legalize marijuana.
Well, if they’re going to do that, why not legalize the cultivation of opium poppy plants, so that patients and others suffering from various ailments can benefit from opium???
Now don’t get me wrong…….i’m not talking about morphine or heroin……..Not that very many people would know how to attempt the complicated process of turning it into morphine anyway.
But any idiot knows that opium is a much better painkiller than pot, whether it’s “medical” or not. Many people smoke marijuana as often as others use opium frequently (Asia)
(I’m not talking about morphine, heroin, or even vicodin-oxy)
Personally, I’m ambivalent on the marijuana legalization issue, and I certainly wouldn’t want opium-based products legalized. But it seems like it’s either hypocritical or perhaps something that would be more consistent, since after all poppies are “all-natural”, the argument pot smokers use to justify the plant.
Yep – all drugs should be legalized. The government can stop using my money trying to stop dopeheads from using dope.
Personally I don’t understand how this even works. Both state AND federal law make pot illegal, if one changes, and the other stays the same, how is this still legal? If this goes through, I can easily see the federal government making an example of someone. They are basically saying “well we can’t win this war on drugs, so lets legalize it” If federal law changed over state law, then I can see some talking room since federal law trumps state law, but we are talking the other way around. This reminds me of a little kid asking his parents for some cookies, the parents saying no, but the older brother saying yes. Who has more authority here? Also, no one is saying that this WILL change the standards for any sort of pre-employment drug test. Just because it is legal on a technicality, does not mean that it is acceptable.
On a slightly brighter side, I suppose that if California caves in and thats what it is… caves in… then it would completely devastate the drug trade, along with all of the gangs and cartels that push it into the US.
Also to add in, No, I have never smoked pot in my life and I have no interest to because in my state it is still an illegal substance, and being that I am looking for a new job, I do not need to miss out on an opportunity due to foolishness.