Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! Part 5 of 5… HD

The FREE MARC campaign wants the Canadian government to repatriate Marc Emery from the US federal prison system so he can serve his sentence in his home country of Canada. Marc Emery is a political prisoner, imprisoned for activism and funding the marijuana movement through marijuana seed sales. Cannabis Culture: Check out the Marc Emery Facebook: Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! A look at how the united states DEA reached into canada to take out a man strictly for his political views. Which is both immoral and illegal… They then threaten to drag his friends down with him, to try to force feed him 5 years in prison, for nothing more than wanting to peacefully and diplomatically change one of Canada’s unjust laws… Free Marc Emery! Canadian Marc Emery, Canada’s most prominent marijuana legalization activist, is at the top of the US, Drug Enforcement Agency’s ‘Most Wanted List’ and now faces extradition to the US and possible life imprisonment. His crime – selling marijuana seeds over the Internet. An occupation he has never denied. In fact for more than a decade he has dutifully filed his income tax returns in Canada stating his occupation as “marijuana seed seller”. He paid his taxes and was left alone by the Canadian authorities. However Canada’s RCMP suddenly and willingly co-operated when the DEA got him in their sights. Widely known as “The Prince of Pot,” Emery is the joint smoking publisher of Cannabis …
you know somethings wrong in this world when you start to look at police as the enemy.
I agree with you, my fellow American, but I don’t think America or the American people are without guilt. We had power in the 60’s & 70’s – we’ve just gotten lazy. The American Government has pulled a veil over the public’s eyes and we’ve tolerated it for so long.
We have to take responsibilty for this one – we’ve let this shit for brains government pop rocks for far too long… we HAVE to over throw the government. It’s going to happen sooner or later. Punish The US!
mad respect legalize weed
Relax buddy I’m AMERICAN and I love this country but you gotta face the fact our country as been brainwashed and its Law have been perverse by the establishment and their cronies. So don’t blame AMERICA for begin to dumb deaf and blind to see the truth when comes down to the Evil Drugs laws the DEA are enforcing Elites/Globalist who rule this goddamn world and are now the on verge of enslaving us all in the near future.
@bunanapie could not have said it any better
@kmk420stonerr dam right but even though he took a rip at the beggining of the race at least he can reach the finish eating some cheetos or snacks cuz of his munchies
@BEASTLYDROK haha and the stoner would be sitting laughing and eating some cheetos haha
And I fucking live here!
If weed is a drug then cigarettes and alcohol are drugs to cuz to USA weed is more addicting and worse for your health if that’s true we should have drug olympics to test which is less damaging like a foot race with a pot head vs drunk (throws up and has spins) vs tobacco smoker(hole in throat and can’t breathe without a machine)
thanks for posting this i couldnt find it on netflix or anywhere else……..this makes me SOOOOOOOOO angry
Marc will get the same respect in the clink that Chong got. Nothing but.
I am impressed that CBC plays this.
marc emery gets extradited by the DEA for seeds but yet CIA unloaded plane load after plane load of cocaine in Mena, Arkansas… your drugs through CIA and you get better USA protection.
Gold ol’ United States, a glorious country where you can carry silenced pistols in public, pay tons of money for health care, and go to jail for a thousand years for the unspeakable crime of selling the seed of a plant that is arguably beneficial for your health…. what a fucked up world
Theres too much to say about this subject. But its sick, really sick that they are doing this. They just want to shut Marc up because hes the leader of our culture, and the legalisation moment. They don’t know what to do with him, he’s smarter than any of them clearly. We need the millions of pot smokers to as brave as Marc and stand up, its the only way to make a change. OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT! Also it should be more worldwide, im English and im very intrested in this whole thing, fuck the DEA
Welcome to the new world order…
this really makes me angry. what business is it of americas what we do in Canada? they have no right doing what they do, and the only reason they get what they want is because they threaten and kick and scream til they get their way. america is the spoiled child of the world.
what a great man. my fucking hero.
Free him. Fucking U.S Government. Its a fucked up thing that these assholes are currently active in other countries. Keep your goddamn bullshit within your own borders U.S.!
go ahead american government inprison marc make him a hero make him a legend his cause will live on wether he continues it or not … cannabis will not be stopped no matter who sais otherwise …. the day you make it illegal is the day you make a black market for it whats the point … hail the mighty emery!
@oerwwssf44 smart decision
FUCK THIS IM MOVINg out of the usa
free marc emery!
he is doing good work !!
we need more people like him!!!
damn its not fair leave marc alone damn it:X usa cmon you messed up with anslinger why wont you guys realise that? cant drag it out any longer we arent all tv puppets, where are the morals here? what they are doing is so wrong marc isent hurting anyone, usa just keeps getting more messed up day by day, people pls open your eyes atleast learn the truth about cannabis insted of listeng to old lies, pls watch–the union– the buisness behind getting high– here on youtube– good luck with all marc.