Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! Part 4 of 5… HD

The FREE MARC campaign wants the Canadian government to repatriate Marc Emery from the US federal prison system so he can serve his sentence in his home country of Canada. Marc Emery is a political prisoner, imprisoned for activism and funding the marijuana movement through marijuana seed sales. Cannabis Culture: Join The Free Marc Emery Facebook Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! A look at how the united states DEA reached into canada to take out a man strictly for his political views. Which is both immoral and illegal… They then threaten to drag his friends down with him, to try to force feed him 5 years in prison, for nothing more than wanting to peacefully and diplomatically change one of Canada’s unjust laws… Free Marc Emery! Canadian Marc Emery, Canada’s most prominent marijuana legalization activist, is at the top of the US, Drug Enforcement Agency’s ‘Most Wanted List’ and now faces extradition to the US and possible life imprisonment. His crime – selling marijuana seeds over the Internet. An occupation he has never denied. In fact for more than a decade he has dutifully filed his income tax returns in Canada stating his occupation as “marijuana seed seller”. He paid his taxes and was left alone by the Canadian authorities. However Canada’s RCMP suddenly and willingly co-operated when the DEA got him in their sights. Widely known as “The Prince of Pot,” Emery is the joint smoking publisher of Cannabis …
5:16 he literally gasps at the ingnorance of the guy sayin “there is no such thing as hard drugs”
I love how that DEA whore totally avoids the question.
the bitch never even tried pot how can she say there is no such thing as a light and hard drug and that its addictive!!
like if marc emery is your hero.
@TheSmoketokeandchoke not just simple … it is amaizing…!!! the best plant I know
@TheSmoketokeandchoke not just simple … it is amaizing…!!! the best plant I know
@Benjibrah1 Oath?
@CharaldoBanx Fuck oath
I suggest literally assassinating these DEA monsters
@Elvception1979 sad, but COMPLETELY true
4:49 i wanna pee on that bitches leg
there are 307,006,550 people in america im sure marc emery was going to affect everyone with his seeds
why doesnt the dea go to afganistan the lead producer of herion , because they are pussies and they will get shot
Team America
horse shit.
@TheSmoketokeandchoke i love marijuana but its a drug lmao. caffeine comes from a plant. herion leaks right off the poppy plant and can get you fucked up right there and that was made by God too. don’t down play it.
LOL Its no use my friend the people in the United States are so brainwash from years of Propaganda that they would the defend their own victimizer before they defend the victim.
thats the most ignorant thing ive EVER fucking heard.
Hey Bitch Go shoot up a syringe full of heroin while someone else smokes a couple joints.
See who gets fucked up more.
Bitch you would die from heroine while the pot smoker is laughing his ass off eating cheetos
@TheSmoketokeandchoke i agree but u what do you say about cocaine thats god made also.the bitch says its enfluenceing and harming children i have never met a 10-13 year old who ever smoked weed i smoke weed and im 16 not addicted..
Rodney Benson the DEA special agent at 1:05 looks like one of those government douchebags who you know you can`t agree with. NEVER ! Cause he`s too full of himself.
Look at his hairstyle first of all… looks like he just pulled his head out of his own as.
That`s the kind of people are running our country and making you miserable. Try to tell you that something that`s bad for you is good and you should stock up on it!
Fuck man i hate government so much!
i love karen tandry
DEA is a criminal organization
@TheSmoketokeandchoke c’mon, marijuana is a drug. the same way caffeine is a drug and the same way nicotine is a drug. It’s a soft drug though. My opinion is there are soft drugs and hard drugs, and marijuana is a doft one, heroin is a hard drug.
“drug are chemicals”. what do you think THC is?
@TheMellowDee i was just going to say something along the lines of that. that DEA lady is a dumb btch. excuse yourself ho.
If theres no such thing as a “soft” drug or a “hard” drug, only drugs, then I guess we should be classifying caffeine with heroin?