Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! Part 1 of 5… HD

The FREE MARC campaign wants the Canadian government to repatriate Marc Emery from the US federal prison system so he can serve his sentence in his home country of Canada. Marc Emery is a political prisoner, imprisoned for activism and funding the marijuana movement through marijuana seed sales. Cannabis Culture: Join The Free Marc Emery Facebook Prince Of Pot: The US Vs Marc Emery! A look at how the united states DEA reached into canada to take out a man strictly for his political views. Which is both immoral and illegal… They then threaten to drag his friends down with him, to try to force feed him 5 years in prison, for nothing more than wanting to peacefully and diplomatically change one of Canada’s unjust laws… Free Marc Emery! Canadian Marc Emery, Canada’s most prominent marijuana legalization activist, is at the top of the US, Drug Enforcement Agency’s ‘Most Wanted List’ and now faces extradition to the US and possible life imprisonment. His crime – selling marijuana seeds over the Internet. An occupation he has never denied. In fact for more than a decade he has dutifully filed his income tax returns in Canada stating his occupation as “marijuana seed seller”. He paid his taxes and was left alone by the Canadian authorities. However Canada’s RCMP suddenly and willingly co-operated when the DEA got him in their sights. Widely known as “The Prince of Pot,” Emery is the joint smoking publisher of Cannabis …
i just saw the princes joint xD
This makes me ashamed to call myself an American.
From this moment on…
Ich bin Deutsche.
@rsohlich1 It’s illegal because it is a good money maker. Anything illegal is possibly illegal because it sells so well on the black market and the biggest profiteer of the black market is not the mafia or gangs but the government.
it looks like the us is a behemoth cage and some devils have the keys…
Could you replace the Prop 19 note/link with a note about how my husband Marc was extradited in May 2010, and how he’s trying to get home to Canada and people can help make that happen? The information is at w/w/ — Thank you! FREE MARC EMERY!
Cannabis being illegal is DEFINENTLY one of the biggest farces in history.
this is why I hate the states
i love marc emery… and his wife is sooooo good looking
when mrs emery says you start to question everything that is what scares the shit out of the government.
One more reason to hate USA
The prince is currently serving jail time, the sad part was that this is in the US, not canada, since noone there accused him
Heil Hitler to you too buddy.
Weed is not a drug!!!!
Hey man why you smoking weed?Lets drop acid and line up some coke…
Man replies: I don’t do drugs man
DEA are really Law enforcement Thugs for the Elites.
Sure you rite … now run along.
Tell that to the dumb down masses who believe in GOD and yet it is written clearing in the BIBLE to use every seed bearing herb and plant but yet they condemn Cannabis, WHOA! whatta mind job these satanic NWO rulers have done to them these confused SHEEPLE.
Trrue but not at 8PM but 4:20 PM LOL
I know who you feel LOL
Thats because its not a harmful drug at all its propaganda to keep the SHEEPLES afraid and clueless about the truth that Marijuana is a real medicine that will keep you alive for a long time. This is why the DEA Big Pharma and the Elites who rule the world the don’t you to know. So SHHHH its a secret don’t tell NO BODY.
some people are just to ignorant for me toeven lift a finger to respond at their negativity.
Sieg Heil America!
I believe that EVERYONE on the planet should be FORCED to smoke a joint every Friday night at about 8 pm…And those that dig it…Well…Go gang – busters…Everyone on and in Capital Hill is doing far worse shit than blowin a “J”….Anyone that doesn’t play by “their” rules is threatened with extradition..Emery..McKinnon and now Assange…WTF…Crazy arsed shit..Fuck the DEA and FUCK Team America – World Police