Preparing the Growing Room and Harvesting Marijuana plants

Preparing the Growing Room and Harvesting Marijuana plants

The room you are growing your marijuana plants in will definitely have to be cleaned efficiently to keep the area safe for the weed plants. You will also have to sterilize everything around the room so it doesn’t infect the marijuana plants with germs, bacteria, and other harmful things. However there is more to do besides that.

If the floors in the growing area are at risk of water spilling on the floor and causing damage you should have a type of cover over the floor. No matter what there will be at least a little water that spills on the floor from the hydroponic system. You can get something like a thick drop cloth which is used by painters to keep paint off of stuff in the area they are painting and consists of plastic sheets. There are other options as well but the main idea is to keep your floors safe from water damage.

There are many things that you have to do to set up the grow area for the marijuana plants. If you want your dope plants to safely grow in the area then you should not be lazy with this. It may take a few hours to fully set up the growing area but it could save your plants from dying because of the environment.

If you are growing your marijuana plants inside then they should be ready for harvesting within seven to twelve weeks from when they first started the flowering stage if you supplied 12 hours of light per day. If the marijuana strains are consistent of mostly indica characteristics then they should be ready in nine weeks at the most. If the marijuana strains are consistent of mostly sativa characteristics then they may not be matured for up to twelve weeks.

When your marijuana plants are prepared to be harvested you can do so by just chopping the plants down from the base of the stem by using scissors or something else that can easily cut the stem. The area that the weed plants have to be chopped at sits right above the growing material. By doing this you are able to harvest the whole weed plant at once. If you want to hold on until every branch separately matures and harvesting them one at a time you can do that as well.

If you have spiritual beliefs or feel connected to living beings then you may want to give your marijuana plants a show of respect and thank them with a prayer before you cut them down. This is just something that some people will do because they believe it will spiritually keep good health for their plants but many people would probably think it’s ridiculous.

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