Pot Wars: Battlefield California

Over the past couple of years, the medical marijuana industry in Los Angeles has exploded. Estimates vary, but there may be as many as 800 dispensaries currently open for business in the city of angels. An ordinance recently passed by the LA city council, however, is about to change all that. The new ordinance will force hundreds of dispensaries to close and all but a few to relocate. The goal was to bring clarity to the medical marijuana industry, but the only thing that’s clear is that the transition process will be difficult. Especially now that the DEA has begun raiding dispensaries again, despite the promises made by the Obama administration. While federal, state and local governments struggle to make sense of medical marijuana laws, an increasing number of Californians support a completely different approach: marijuana legalization. Nothing more than a pipe dream? Maybe. But consider this: 56 percent of Californians currently support pot legalization, the same proportion of Californians who voted for the Compassionate Use Act, which legalized medical marijuana, back in 1996. Produced by Paul Feine. Shot and edited by Alex Manning. Graphics by Hawk Jensen. Hosted by Nick Gillespie. Approximately 9 minutes. Go to reason.tv for iPd, HD, and audio versions of all videos.
7:12 – 7-15
LMFAO rape is down 63 % and pot arrests are up 163% WHO THE FUCK CARES
look at all the things thta went down ROFL
Amsterdam is one of the most wellfunktioning towns in the world.. And we all know what is legal in Amsterdam… ^^
so… in 2012 can you guys vote Yes on whatever legalization prop comes up? Please?
Holland, cannabis and other drugs as Psilocybin mushroom are legal. Know what? Holland is the country in Europe where less people take drugs.
Legalize it! It was illegalized for ignorant and greedy reasons.
free the green!!! yes on 19!!!
When this God’s gift to America is legal we will look back at the feds that lied to us and were against it, they should all be tried for “Marijuana War Crimes”.
free the green!!! yes on 19!!!
When this God’s gift to America is legal we will look back at the feds that lied to us and were against it, they should all be tried for “Marijuana War Crimes”.
Talk about hemp.
Prop. 19 hands marijuana over to the pharmaceutical companies and biotech companies who will patent the genomes.
Prop. 19 puts a huge tax on weed.
Prop. 19 is a trojan horse for a bigger police state.
Well, it is the only way to create jobs now in California
theres more then 56%
I trust the Federal level has done an excellent job securing our southern border that enforcing the the existing drug laws should be no sweat at all. LOL too little to late in enforcement in this day and age and so much for the war on drugs. If it brings CA out of its massive debt cycle, I’m all for legalization for medicinal and personal use. I’ll trust U.S. grown and licensed dispensaries before trusting any other source.
Oh my god, pot at high schools now…lol..we had pot everywhere in high school back in the 1970’s. There were pounds on campus!
Pot at a high school?!! obviosuly the dispensarys’ fault!
Over 800 dispensaries opened in LA,
almost 750 closed…
legalize it dont critizize it
@NOstevecooley no steve no
Yes on prop.19 and No on Steve Cooley because he’s against cannabis/patients rights.
Conservatives like to pretend they support ‘freedom’, but they really don’t.
it quite frankly doesn’t matter what percentages of people voted for or against the legalization of marijuana it ought to be legalized because human rights are not subject to a popular vote and the ability to put whatever you want into your own body is a human right
@cod4uber eh? explain comment im lost…
Its going to happen. YES ON 19
Californians vote YES on 19!!
P.S. most growers use an all organic pesticide so I don’t have to worry about Raid
Each state has a right to govern itself seperately. Over here on the west coast we see the many benefits of decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. To open our countries eyes the west coast has kind of been the speer head at the front of things. Massachusetts recently completely decriminalized marijuana. On Nov. 2nd my home state of Washington has a similar bill on the ballot. Stop wasting money on a war that can’t be won. Legalize…