Pot Protests spread to Savannah, 150 people celebrated 420

Savannah Georgia was inspired by other areas in the country and has joined the growing marijuana celebrations and protests. Around 150 activist came out to a public square and protested Georgia’s arcane drug laws. It was a mix of colorful,fun and eccentric protesters as well as average joes. It was a smashing success with minimal police harassment except for permits. Great job for a first celebration and we looking forward to seeing more.
know what they should be protesting? the real meaning of freedom! i mean this country might say that we are free, but then why do we have to listen to them… oh i know why, because they have weapons. they are using the power of freedom to scare us into giving up our rights to them… i mean this is life, we shouldnt have to live how THEY want us to. we CAN change ANYTHING we want. just have to fight for it!!!
Anyone know where I can score some in savannah
@RMMrMike Think of what kind of message it sends to the children.
@mackler Why is civil disobedience bad? If I do something that hurts no one or nothing at all, why follow the dumb law? If praying in public became illegal are you going to not pray in public? No, you’re going to pray in public because it’s a dumb law, you’re going to oppose it by doing just what they don’t want you to do.
Stand up for your rights and if you don’t want to do that, stand up for my rights. It only makes sense. Don’t let anyone control you.
@mackler Why is civil disobedience bad Mackler? If a law that affects nothing or no one, what does it matter if someone does it? If you’re religious are you not going to pray in public when that becomes illegal? We can make decisions for ourselves, and I’m sad that you haven’t realized that.
Dave, I was not there this is video from someone that was, took forever to edit it all!
focus much more on holding camera steady. dont pan so much. keep cam on wide angle
good report otherwise
you can’t do that. it’s illegal. i mean, i know that it SHOULD be legal, but it’s still illegal. what are you going to do? just disobey all laws that victimize peaceful people? that could lead to anarchy.
where’s your obama now? I’ll tell you, he’s sucking up to the fat cats. you’ll never see him support the pot crowd.
we need to do this in Columbia. erybody smokes here.
@andrewpyrah Absolutely Andrew, I agree. My remark was my imagined response to police requiring the “permit” mentioned towards the end of the video.
I quite like the term 420 celebration as opposed to a protest, keeps it more peaceful and its what it should be – a celebration.
Thanks for sharing. Good to see this.
I’m a bit perplexed that some folks were shouting for others to “sign the pledge” and it was a big joint. Is that going to be put on someone’s shelf or turned into the State? If it’s the latter then maybe some of these folks need to watch this vid and realize that they don’t need permission from others to engage in actions that don’t aggress upon others.
omg its the hippies ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@LeedansParis “420 celebration” is the preferred nomenclature in Free Keene.
I’m not protesting, I’m just dancing and singing.
Hell yea.. its about time..