Poll: Do you support Medical Marijuana and if so why?

There was a MM meeting in Montana yesterday and over 300 people showed up to get Medical Marijuana cards? I was very surprised at how many Doctors are in favor of it. I was once a staunch advocate for keeping it Criminal but after researching it, I have found out how much it really does help as opposed to using Oxycontin and Morphine for the rest of their life.
-I totaly disagree marijuana
No. If your going to do it, might as well get the good shit.
of course I support it. If it helps people and it’s for medical reasons, who am I to oppose it??
i support marijuana, period.
I live in Jamaica everone here smokes it at least once in their lives or secondary smokes it everyday we have crazy people here just like anywhere else but stress is driving them crazy more than weed. Marijuana is not as bad as they make it out to be I dated a doctor who smoked it everyday hes a very good doc. All my friends smoke it they are all successful ppl.
Marijuana helps ease pain and doesn’t kill your liver over time like the pain meds do.
It would free up a lot of prison cells if they would just make it legal.
But it’s ok to go to a bar and drink and drive home…right!!
if people want to get stoned , just et them
in the end its their life they are fucking up
It’s a good thing for those with medical problems such as cancer,it benefits pain relief and appetite problems associated with the disease.Eye problems ,such as glaucoma pain is another condition where MM can be of benefit.
well, i support marijuana legalization period. but particularly for medical use and particularly for cancer and AIDS patients. did you know that one of the most expensive elements in the “AIDS cocktail” is a synthetic THC pill? how messed up is it that we need to spend tons of money coming up with an expensive synthetic like that simply because part of our society has an irrational fear of the real thing? thanks nancy! simply put, marijuana is just about the safest, least addictive medication you can take. its safer than Tylenol.
I fully support it.
It isnt appropriate in all circumstances, but it does have many uses. For years pharmaceutical companies have been selling synthetic thc… Marinol is an rx legal nation wide that can be filled at any local drug store – but it costs 10-20 times what marijuana costs and does not work as well.
I used both marnol and marijuana during my cancer treatment. It helped the side effects of chemo. Before trying it, they were using a long string of harder narcotics… ativan, oxy, morphine, compazine, and a couple others – I was so drugged I was asleep nearly 24/7. Marijuana allowed me to tame the symptoms enough to be functional and ok, and actually be awake for it.
Plus, marijuana doesnt have the chemical addiction risks that the other meds carry.