Police Search and Seizure of marijuana – Legal Advice. It’s long, but PLEASE READ!?

Police Search and Seizure of marijuana – Legal Advice. It’s long, but PLEASE READ!?

This all takes place in the green state of Oregon…

Recently I was the victim of a shocking home invasion by the police, under horrible circumstances that were of ill nature.

I’ll be honest. Life is tough at the moment, especially with the economy, and in the small town I live in—where jobs are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find.

So an acquaintance came to me and offered me a bit of a break. I was offered to live in their one bedroom apartment for half the price they were paying. Apparently they had a kid, and wanted to stay at their “better half’s”, where there was more space. Also, they were on a contract, so they couldn’t just break it and lose their security deposit.

That’s where I came in. For half the price of rent, I got to live in the apartment, while they saved money instead of paying for an empty apartment they weren’t even using.

Moving on.

I medicate. With cannabis. No, I’m not legal. Why? Because I don’t have insurance. Why? Because I’m broke. Why? Because I can’t find a job in this tiny town. Do you see the vicious circle?

And for all you skeptics, I don’t care what you say. Marijuana is a proven medicine and I didn’t realize how much it truly helped my back pain until after this incident.

Anyway, so one day, two men come to the door in jeans and sweaters.

They ask for my acquaintances, but I tell them I’m house-sitting. They leave.
Come back.

Man #1 says: “I’m not going to lie, I’m a cop. [Name of acquaintance here] was involved in a delivery. We know there’s marijuana here. Is she here?”

I go on to explain I just house-sit. Basically, it ends with me going outside, them threatening us with jail, and then them getting a $400 dollar collection of glass, a scale, and baggies.

I told him that I HATED getting ripped off, that’s why I bought a scale. Fresh baggies were there so I didn’t have to re-lick old ones with random people’s spit already all over it. I mean, isn’t it like a HUGE offense to spit on a cop? I don’t want someone else’s spit in my mouth.

Anyway, they ended up seizing all my stuff, wrote out a evidence receipt, and left with the final advice: “Don’t sell pot anymore.”

“But…!” was all I got out before they were gone.

Now, my main question is this:

They didn’t charge me with anything. And I know they’re still looking for my acquaintances, but can they come back and charge me with anything after they already took all my shit? I only had about 3 or 4 grams of actual cannabis, and the rest was pipes and waterpipes.

Can they come back and charge me?!
Oh, yeah. They found two Ativan that weren’t prescribed to me and threatened me with jail with that unless I gave up my shit.

So…I ask again…

Can they charge me later?

And trust me, I’m moving the fuck out ASAP.

Thank you for any legal advice.

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