pharmacy tech working under influence of drugs….?

I found out about a year ago my cousin was going to work at a pharmacy tech under the influence of meth and marijuana.
Sent emails to the state pharmacy board … I didn’t actually call them for frears of anything leaking out my whole family would of pined me as a trader but they don’t understnad the lifes at risk when someone in the medical field is under drugs..
From my knowledge she isn’t the only one going to work like this. and there have been a few cases of patients recieving the wrong meds…
I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have the courage to call and my last complaints seem to be over looked. If there someone else I can email about this serious issue? I doubt the place she works at would actually take action if I told them…
Any info on who to contact etc. would be helpful
Yes I sent complaints about a year ago. To the hospital and the board and from my knowledge they visited the hospital and made them clean up how they run the place. But as to drug testing nothing happened. My cousin isn’t the only one going to work like this. I just don’t know what to do to be heard.
Wait so you sent e-mails to the pharmacy board, and nothing was done? Just be an anonymous person and file another complaint to the board or the store perhaps? You are right to complain, and what you’re doing is right-not just for the customers, but for your cousin. Continue to pursue the problem until it is dealt with, or someone is going to be seriously ill or die as a result.
Go talk to your cousin first. Try to get him/her into a drug treatment program. This doesn’t involve being a “traitor”.
If this doesn’t work, go talk to your cousin’s boss. Your cousin is NOT legally liable for any wrong meds given out, but the pharmacist is. The pharmacist is probably in a quandry about your cousin’s bad job performance and is trying to fire him, but doesn’t have any “smoking guns”. A “random” drug test is the perfect smoking gun to fire your cousin.