Pharmacy Law Proposition 203 Medical Marijuana Arizona?
Pharmacy law under Proposition 203 Arizona Medical Marijuana?
The Arizona Department of Health Services are the people who are going to be in charge of the dispensaries a.k.a pharmacies pertaining to medical marijuana patients if the vote on Nov. 2nd of this year goes through to legalize medical marijuana (Proposition 203). What I’m wondering is if a member of society can open a pharmacy for medical marijuana patients under Arizona law?,2eb752c7&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=cXjegfhHSWUxzHR9hmAcCA–
I found this link for Proposition 203. I would like a second opinion if someone has the time to read it and answer my question from up above. After reading this I say Yes.
No pharmacy.
“Licensed nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries.” Pharmacies are for drugs that can be prescribed and MMJ can not be prescribed. Prop 203 would allow Dr.’s to recommend marijuana.
The prop looks to set dispensary fees and open costs right up front.