Outdoor marijuana plants – big bud and skunk

Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
Aye sell me a pound or two?
this is my paraaaaaaaaadise
the first time jesus used duct tape he was all holy shit that did not just happen this a fucking miracle so many applications and it fixes everything
do u sell pm me
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!(sorry couldn’t help but exagerate)
what is that kind of fence? Nice plants!!!
u htink 12-12-12 slow release fertilizer would work?????
dig very large holes next time and fill with topsoil, bloodmeal, epsom salt
i love it. i love it all. you amaze and inspire me.. truly such an amazing species of plant or weed for that matter. ….
Just Prechaus…
Thats the way God Intended our planet and life to be! All Natural!
this is shit
really looks like some weed growin wild, thats amazing how so many people fight over this stuff. its just a plant, it grows freely and should be used freely!
shit m8 get a live dick
rip males
wow.ur plants look really great
u can be proud ;D
good job man ! ! ! planted right under the direct sun ! ! !
aaaahh, my heart! they are lookin so healthy! the leaf color, the tribes… nice!
what do you feed them and do you use outside dirt
NICE @madtown! I love Mazar, only had it a few times and love the high. My buddy grew some and its a thick short hash plant. I didn’t know it could take the heat. I thought sativas may handel it better.
@urajokeMC Have you ever heard of Mazar? Its an indica of Afgan and Skunk#1 roots. I don’t know how it takes humidity, as its very dry here in CA, but I know from personal experience that it loves heat. It seems to thrive better in heat. 100F+ are no sweat. And its potent, dense, and sticky as hell too.
Very good cam and the plants 5 stars!
Someone who knows thier shit please.I’m in a tropical hell of 90+ and humi as hell. I’m figuring Sativas are the way to go as most weed from countries w/similar climates are Sativas. I need a good sativa strain.If anyone knows of an Indica that takes heat/humidity well help appreciated. Oh yeah.clay ground too :^(