A New and Interesting Patch that you guys havent seen yet!!! One plant in this patch has some ALBINO Traits!!! Weird… www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk
A New and Interesting Patch that you guys havent seen yet!!! One plant in this patch has some ALBINO Traits!!! Weird… www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
The whitening of the leaves can be signs of a virus in the soil infecting your plants, if the plant start producing more white leaves than green leave it will die on you, not enough sugars are being produced to keep that plant going, just a friendly tip from another grower
@LiasRecords This patch here ive never watered because its really hard to get to so i dont really know how well they are going to turn out, but my other patches i have to go and water about every other week since its been dry as fuck the last month, but before that i never had to water them a single time!!! It was nice, we get steady rains up until about the end of july then thats when i have to start hauling some major water, which freakin sucks sooo much!!! lol
how often do you water those plants
turned out all right..
@241kyle Check out my first video and you will get an idea of what they looked like before i planted them… But i plant them indoor in stirofoam cups or just use the jiffy soil pods until they are around 6-8 inches tall so their survival rate is alot better when they get outdoors! I know they arent the best techniques but when it comes to outdoor guerilla grows i have to think cheap as possible because of the amount of plants i have to deal with.
how did u get the plants in the ground? did u plant the sprouts in the ground or in pots first?
@cannabisconnoisseurs Yeah not to bad, but hey check out my new uploaded video!!!
wow, that grow is going amazing man and that is the first time i have ever heard of albino leaves, that is crazy, thanks for sharing
@helgamite1 NA not really, i mean they could potentially spot it but with so many woods, hills, fields, and trees it def isnt goin to be easy for them, and that horseweed that i point out in several of my videos as a cover plant, it produces the same heat signature as Weed so if your growing by that then your stuff blends in all natural but yeah my spot definitly doesnt have any visitors, there is a 4wheeler path not to far away but which kinda makes me paranoid but its been all good so far!!!
with that many in one area are u not afraid of chopper patrols? looks good though. i do no more than 5 in one area. i worry about heat signatures from above. it appears u are right beside a open field, i must say ballzy. thats how i do it. i try to out think the pirates, thieves and or cops. beside roads. middle of fields tied down, on ramps. all good area. remember to keep a little paranoid, if something looks off by a patch don’t go in to close, it could save u it has me. Good luck
@GeorgeWashiification oh good video i never even heared of albino untill i watched this , but your still plagiarizing even if it is in your own words you just took some one elses work and made it sound like you researched it, you should have gave credit to the place you found it, anyways this isn’t a fucking 12th grade term paper i don’t really give a shit, keep growing!!
@GeorgeWashiification LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!
@GeorgeWashiification Is that BETTER??? hah My own words basically now, but no in all seriousness albinos arent special in any way, the ONLY thing special about a plant that shows signs of albino traits is simply just the appearance!!! IT is VERY RARE to C i dont care what anyone else says, ive seen shitloads of plants and never came across a plant having white in the leaves, so i kinda got excited seeing something dif for once,i shuda made a point in my video that theres nothing special bout it
@maslabud They arent 100% albino because they depend on chlorophyll in the parts where there isnt a a mutation to live. It looks by now with all the choice breeding thats has been going on for years and years that albinism doesnt really matter much because the mutation is VERY rare to begin with, and if one does live it will more than likely die after sprouting&Supposedly by cutting the tips&feeding the plant sugar you could keep an albino plant alive but the odds are SLIM to none!!!
@maslabud Like i told ol boy, NO SHIT SHERLOCK, lol GUESS WHAT I SHOULD OF SAID IS…
@maslabud Hah How do you know im not the one who wrote it on toke city… lol
@GeorgeWashiification lol man you just googled that and copied and pasted from tokecity, you plagiarizer
@GeorgeWashiification When a plant is partially albino, it is called variegation.
@GeorgeWashiification O yeah bout forgot but When a plant is partially albino, it is called variegation.
@TripleEyedGemini Well they cant TECHNICALLY be called an ALBINO because they have to be all white and if they were all white then they would die probably within two weeks because it needs the green clorophil or whatever haha for photosynthesis to produce food&since it has no green in the leaves it will basically die from lack of food production basically, Guess it would be more refered to as a mutant or a freak than an albino!!!
@TripleEyedGemini Umm i cant really remember, im thining it was around or close to the end of May…
@wcj197810 Yeah figured id show you guys my last and final patch ive got out!!!
@41stgaming Better??? Lol
@41stgaming Supposedly by cutting the tips and feeding the plant sugar you can keep a true albino alive, but I’m not sure how practical that is
@41stgaming They are not true albino as they still rely on the chlorophyll in the sections without the mutation to survive. It would appear that by now with all the selective breeding that has been going on for decades that true albinism is not much of an issue with quality genetics considering the mutation is relatively rare to begin with, and if one does get through it will most likely not survive very long as a seedling.