Osama Bin Laden – Marijuana Smoker?

New York magazine has reported that pot plants were being grown at Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound. Cenk Uygur breaks it down. Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly On Facebook: www.facebook.com On Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana’s blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk’s Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com
That hydro, da light green, the bobby brown then you got bin laden weed. Three different types of shit all mixed together, Str8 Killa
Fox news was right! marijuana funds terrorism and creates dangerous criminals! (sarcasm)
@mikebibbyhighlight Fuckin A
Osama was on that Laden weed b4 gettin capped in the head LOL. The proof is right there. 3 6 Mafia already knew…
@IAMdgfoxstar f*cking a me too : ) *pass the peace pipe to the middle east*
absolutely love it : )
@squippy117 lmao
Man, lighting one up with Osama, that’d be one veeeery interesting conversation…
bin Laden is my Hero motherfuckers !!1
i guess that 9,11 was just aday of drought
If you listen to the news you would know that it was his next door neighbors who were growing cabbage, potatoes, and weed.
oh great now another nonrelevant reason for america to label marijuana as the most evil drug to ever grow on this green earth. welppppp imma stay tokin so fuck you feds!
Because Snoop says “It’s ok to smoke weed” and then smokes weed. So it isn’t as funny.
Osama talks about the west being the devil, then obsesses over Whitney Houston, smokes a “kuhl”, and so on and so forth. Long story short, hypocrites are funny.
As are the ignorant.
Lets look quickly at your ignorance as soon as you speak:
1) There *are* hundreds of videos talking about snoop smoking.
2) Lions aren’t famous for being silent. Dogs bark, lions ROAR.
why dont you put snoop dog on the news that he have sex every day
and why dont you put all the amrican stars who dont stop sex and smoking weed why dont you use this to fight the porn stars that amrica create you are just a lie
i love the way how to dogs Bark and no one answer While the Lion stay Silent and be feared
Osama been tokin’.
I think he has an african cousin called choko laden
@395235 If Osama was smoking his own weed, it reminds me of that old Cheech & Chong sketch…
*Knock, Knock, Knock*
“Who is it?”
“It’s the Navy Seals man, open up man, we’ve got the stuff”
*Knock, Knock, Knock
“Who is it?”
“It’s the Seals man, open up, we’ve got the stuff.”
“It’s us, the Seals, open up!”
“The Seals?”
“Yeah, the seals. C’mon man open up”
“The Seals aren’t here”
“No, man, it’s us, the Seals, we’ve got the stuff”
*Knock, Knock, Knock
“Who is it?”
I wonder if he ever said: “But I did not inhale”.
Great now they gonna say weed was the reason for osama to go nuts.
SEALS: Open up Osama!
Compound: Osama not here!
SEALS: Shoot, missed him again. Shoot the UPS guy and that EMO kid on the stairwell any way.
SEALS: Open up Osama!
Compound: Osama not here!
SEALS: Shit, missed him again. Shoot the UPS guy and that EMO kid on the stairwell any way.
SEALS: Open up Osama!
Compound: Osama not here!
SEALS: Shit, missed him again.
utube link: /watch?v=MxW-wxNPGdk&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL