Ok, my friend was in Juvi for 9 months for transporting Marihuana to the United states?

Ok, my friend was in Juvi for 9 months for transporting Marihuana to the United states, but he is under 18 he is a U.S. Citizen, he did 9 months then he got out and violated Parole he crossed the border and is currently in Mexico, he wants to go back to the US but he wants to know if its safer for him to go before he turns 18 or after? how would he do less time in jail? anybody had gone through the same or similar situation?
i dont think waiting will help a person who has violated a parole..it’ll still be on record if he gets pulled over or whatever
its best to deal with it now..esp willingly than to wait til he’s caught doin something else and having this add to it
How is this person crossing back and forth at the Mexican border without a passport if he is a US citizen? Sounds to me this person is a typical illegal that nobody wants here and the reasons here are clearly written in your statement. Even the relatives of that dude, that are here legally don’t want him back here. He is what gives their race a bad name. And to answer your question, he’s fk’d. Tell him to do his time. He is already 17 so he will be tossed around like an adult. Even if he comes back and put in juvi he will be moved to county when he turns 18 and won’t spend to long in there anyways if 9 months have been spent. And really…….Parole officers/probation officers won’t do anything to him because he will be a legal adult soon and those officers try to keep as many people out of jail as much as they can since jails are overcrowded.
Nice rant eh????????????????????? hehehehehehe
Your friend has an issue.
He violated his parole. Then he left the US, so now his new charge will be escape, plus the probation violation. So he will be charged with escape and will be doing time for his PV.
Depending on which State he is on parole for and what the law stipulates for the charge what he could face.
It does not matter whether or not he is 17 or 18, he is in trouble. I would suggest you obtain a lawyer, your friend is looking at jail time no matter what.
Maybe your friend should stay in Mexico.