Oh no, illegals breaking the law, what’s the world coming to?? Who said illegals didn’t cost the taxpayers any?

Oh no, illegals breaking the law, what’s the world coming to?? Who said illegals didn’t cost the taxpayers any?

Oh no, illegals breaking the law, what’s the world coming to?? Who said illegals didn’t cost the taxpayers any money?

PASCAGOULA — Four illegal immigrants arrested last year in what was described as one of the largest hydroponic marijuana cultivation cases in Jackson County are tentatively slated to go to trial Jan. 24.

Enrique Brito, 42, Marcel Gonzalez, 34, Ricardo Gonzalez, 40, and Serafin Gonzalez, 39, were indicted in May, each charged with manufacturing marijuana. They were arrested Aug. 13, 2009, after authorities received a tip about a possible marijuana grow house at 1504 South Seventh Street in Gulf Park Estates, which is in west Jackson County just outside Ocean Springs.

Sheriff’s deputies and agents with the Narcotics Task Force of Jackson County descended on the home on a Thursday night. They knocked on the front door and once it was opened, Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd said they detected a marijuana smell wafting out.
Agents saw nine bags filled with at least one pound each of marijuana sitting on a floor, out in the open. In a bedroom, authorities found plants drying under lamps. At the time, the sheriff described a “highly sophisticated operation in which they were cultivating and manufacturing” the highly potent form of marijuana.

The operation was so sophisticated the suspects had ripped out the home’s air-conditioning unit and placed it in the garage so the house would remain warmer, speeding up the marijuana’s drying time.

Authorities said the men also illegally hooked up electrical wiring and were, in effect, “stealing electricity,” task force commander Curtis Spiers said after the bust.

After the arrests, authorities learned one of the men stayed at a home in the 5600 block of Brown Road in Gautier, There, authorities arrested Damaris Gonzalez Delcuadro, 29, after finding another marijuana grow room, also with hundreds of thousands of dollars in hydroponic marijuana growing in it.

She’s also facing trial on a marijuana cultivation charge.

Authorities seized a total of $500,000 worth of marijuana.

Read more: http://www.sunherald.com/2011/01/01/2745117/marijuana-case-set-for-trial.html#ixzz19wEG59nG

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