Obama admin will continue to prosecute individuals for possession of marijuana in California?

even if voters there approve a ballot measure legalizing recreational use of the drug
I was curious if the “no” side was right in that the federal government will take a strong chance against against the bill, where we would be denied federal funds (engineering and military sectors).
It seems they were right,
“The Obama administration “strongly opposes” Proposition 19, Holder wrote in a toughly worded letter to former heads of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration who had written to him expressing “grave concern” about the measure.”
Anyways, with that in mind, and the potential for retributive actions, what are your thoughts on the situation?
Just to make certain I’m not advcocating anything in my question, just throwing out an article with some thoughts on it.
Also they don’t need man power to deny fundings, which is the course of action which has been suggested.
It’s still a FEDERAL offense. What else did you expect the Justice Department to say?? They HAVE to say that. However, saying it and doing it are two different things, and it’s unlikely that they will follow through.
Of all of the arrests for Marijuana offenses last year, only 1% were conducted by federal officials. The other 99% were carried out by state and local police. That should tell you right there what the story is. If the State officials don’t arrest and prosecute, the Federal doesn’t have the manpower to.
Probably so. You can’t have something thats illegal in 49 states but legal in 1.
Just how is CA going to regulate that? Where will it be sold? Taxed? Do you have to be 18 or 21 to buy it? Can you smoke and drive?
ALL that and more has to be answered.
Duh, it’d still be against the law. If CA legalized bank robbery, I’d think he’d still prosecute bank robbers.
This is the same Obama BS, yes we won’t prosecute, but now he’s got pressure from all those DEA agents and cannabis-haters, and they have TONS of money, so who do you think he will support? More of the same Federal vs State. It’s in the constitution for F’s sake!! Federal government CANNOT impede state’s rights!!! But Obama cares not for state’s right, he’s out to trash the constitution daily and force his policies upon us. Is this really the hope/change people wanted? I understand we needed a change but this isn’t change, this is just the same BS wrapped with a blue bow instead of a red bow. It’s all BS, all politicians are lying sacks of crap, both sides, they will use you and abuse you and get themselves in office, so they can run their own agendas. Cannabis is the 3rd top drug used in the US, next to tobacco and alcohol, anyone remember Prohibition?? When they tried to outlaw alcohol?? Yea I see how well that went, yet they still try the same tactic with other drugs. It’s dumb, and it’s stupid, and archaeic. If someone chooses to pollute their own body, then have at it, just don’t expect the government to come helping you when you wind up being a drunken crackhead. But if someone chooses to spark up a joint or a bowl every so often, or take a couple sniffs of cocaine, but can still be a productive member of society, why wouldn’t we allow that? Why does the government need to know your personal life? Their job is to maintain a military, infrastructure and help maintain law and order, not to investigate our personal lives. Literally 30-40% of our prison population is due to low-end offenders and cannabis peddlers and users. Out of millions, that’s ALOT of people not working, they say 9.6 % unemployment but we have millions of inmates, obviously they’re not counted, but if they were do you not think the unemployment wouldn’t become 11-12%??
It’s just more marketing from the “Drug War” to keep DEA agents employed, even though there is no end to this fight and no way to win it and to keep our population in fear of being arrested for just being themselves. Our nation was founded on the american people having pride and standing up to oppressors, yet now our own government has become the oppressor, you can do this but not that, you can’t do this but you can do that. It’s BS and it needs to stop, we need real research and real information on Cannabis, not studies done by people paid by a lobbyist organization to either make it look good or bad.
PS: Read the constitution again guys, if CA legalizes bank robberies, guess what there is NOTHING the federal government can do. If the robber crosses state lines then yes, federal problem, of course this is arbitrary because all the money is technically federal property, so CA wouldn’t be able to legalize such an act in the first place, but I digress.
Like I said read the constitution and look up the cases that deal with State’s Rights. If you can’t see the contradiction between what Obama is saying and what CA and AZ for that matter are doing, then our country is in serious trouble.
Ive thought about this and its not the way the constitution is supposed to be. Now since the subject is on marijuana i must be a stoner but im not. The state is supposed to be sovereign over the federal government. thats all i have to say.
Same thing happened in the Arizona immigration law. There are some that are for the states ability to govern itself on hooch, but not on immigration. Double edged sword folks.
I am a retired Police Officer of 30 years service from the Ca. Az. Mexico border. In my career I have served on Narcotic Task Forces. Federal. State and local. What do you think, the drug cartels and street gangs are just going to give up a multi billion dollar a year business. The Democrats also have a Bill they are pushing through the Legislature. It taxes marijuana at $55 an ounce. It enhances criminal penalties for possession under 21 years of age. It creates a violation of State law if the user is caught with marijuana that does not bare the state tax stamp. It calls for a $5000 growing permit for the first year and $2500 for every year after that. We try to teach our children not to do drugs and the Democrats want to turn us into sanctioned drug dealers. Here is the biggest problem. The Democrats just now submitted a 2011 State budget. 100 days late. This is the same Democrats that have broken this State. These are the same Democrats that spend between 10 and 15 billion a year just on welfare benefits to illegal aliens, but reduce funding to our public schools. These are the people that want to get us into the drug dealing business. The street violence will increase drastically. The cartels will target the State outlets and the employees. Neither of the Bills, the one in the Legislature or the Prop.19 just allow free smoke zones and there is no regulations. Those that argue it will free up court time are very mistaken. The Government and courts make money off criminal trials. The Legislature just increased the fines on every Vehicle Code Violation. Cell Phone while driving went from $20.00 fine and out the door. Now it is still $20.00 plus the new Court security fees and Court taxes it is over $400.00 The new Court rules the Dem’s have come up with are unbelievable. A woman beat a ticket in court. Not guilty. There was a $125.00 dismissal fee. A parking ticket is a loading zone for 5 minutes should be $25.00 to $35.00. Now with all the new fees and taxes it is over $1000. What I am suggesting is the Legislature is not going to do anything that does not involve increased revenue. They have not explained how they are going to enforce all these new pot laws or how they will run the State outlets and do the backgrounds of the employees. State law requires a drug screen for State employees. What do they do, change the under the influence laws to not screen for marijuana. Right now it is an infraction to possess an ounce or less. It carries a $100 fine. If Prop 19 passes you will see fines increase for the new prohibitions it will bring with it. People should be careful for what they ask, they may get it. Obama has already once order the DEA not to bust the Ca. pot stores, which is a violation of the U.S. Code. Obstruction of Justice. The President cannot legally tell a law enforcement agency to not enforce any law that is legally enforceable.
yes because the obama admin shot down the AZ immigration law. now if he did not shoot this down the republicans and fox news heads would explode and i guess they would have the right to. obama needs to make it a federal law or at least try the war on drugs is madness and makes no sense at all… but hes to scared that the people WHO DIDNT EVEN VOTE FOR HIM might disagree and hate him even MORE. `FOX NEWS WILL MAKE HIM LOOK BAD AND HE WILL BE ON GLENN BECK :O no obama needs to grow a pair and push for what he believes in. he talked about decriminalizing it in 2004 then laughed at the question when he got elected.
Obama doesn’t run the FBI in case you are interested.
But I think he is against States passing laws that supercede Federal law, in this case (liberal) OR in the AZ case.