Obama admin will continue to prosecute individuals for possession of marijuana in California?

Obama admin will continue to prosecute individuals for possession of marijuana in California?

even if voters there approve a ballot measure legalizing recreational use of the drug


I was curious if the “no” side was right in that the federal government will take a strong chance against against the bill, where we would be denied federal funds (engineering and military sectors).

It seems they were right,

“The Obama administration “strongly opposes” Proposition 19, Holder wrote in a toughly worded letter to former heads of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration who had written to him expressing “grave concern” about the measure.”

Anyways, with that in mind, and the potential for retributive actions, what are your thoughts on the situation?
Just to make certain I’m not advcocating anything in my question, just throwing out an article with some thoughts on it.

Also they don’t need man power to deny fundings, which is the course of action which has been suggested.

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