www.norml.org – This episode of the NORML Update highlights the great work being done by our Texas chapters as shown by their great 04/20 event and rally on the capitol with presidential candidate Gary Johnson.
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
With Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson in attendance only dozens showed up in Austin of all places. Last year’s rally had hundreds. It does not appear the marijuana users (including the medical variety) care anymore about HB 548 and 1491. Sure it doesn’t cost anything to press the send button on the pre-written Take Action letter, but these types of bills are wearing down the troops, especially when groups in other states are now focused full speed ahead on total legalization.
Its to bad conservative states like texas have a long way to go just for medical marijuana. Forget about full legalization that wont happen for like 20 years in texas. But California i say next year with the ballot iniative we will get legalization for all.
Now that is a politician that would be worth voting for and not just for the legalization of marijuana either. He has a lot of good ideas that are far better than the ideas in practice now in or government.
the only realistic presidential candidates ron paul and gary johnson. those are the only two i’ve seen who actually want to put america back on the right track. can’t wait til my friends and i can smoke without fear of being arrested for nothing more than consuming something other the alcohol BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE HANG OVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@TommyTurntables1 Dammit, there’s the phrase I’ve been trying to think of for damned 20 years. Nicely put….I’m stealing it and using it EVERYWHERE and with EVERYONE.
we need medical marijuana in houston,
With Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson in attendance only dozens showed up in Austin of all places. Last year’s rally had hundreds. It does not appear the marijuana users (including the medical variety) care anymore about HB 548 and 1491. Sure it doesn’t cost anything to press the send button on the pre-written Take Action letter, but these types of bills are wearing down the troops, especially when groups in other states are now focused full speed ahead on total legalization.
Ron Paul 2012!!!!!
Its to bad conservative states like texas have a long way to go just for medical marijuana. Forget about full legalization that wont happen for like 20 years in texas. But California i say next year with the ballot iniative we will get legalization for all.
Now that is a politician that would be worth voting for and not just for the legalization of marijuana either. He has a lot of good ideas that are far better than the ideas in practice now in or government.
the only realistic presidential candidates ron paul and gary johnson. those are the only two i’ve seen who actually want to put america back on the right track. can’t wait til my friends and i can smoke without fear of being arrested for nothing more than consuming something other the alcohol BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE HANG OVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary Johnson is a smart rational and effective speaker for the Legalization of Marijuana.
@TommyTurntables1 Dammit, there’s the phrase I’ve been trying to think of for damned 20 years. Nicely put….I’m stealing it and using it EVERYWHERE and with EVERYONE.
I am normal!
I blame the Police for “KNOWINGLY” enforcing Tyranny
Sweet, i live there, didn’t know this happened though
i am norml ,say it with me people