A New work from The World Freeman Society and and Freeman-on-the-Land Robert-Arthur: Menard in support of Marc Emery and Canadian Sovereignty. You can claim immunity from extradition, and visit to download documents and claims. Send them to the Minister of Justice and make sure you do not end up like Marc Emery. In fact if enough eople claim their immunity, maybe Marc will too, and maybe he can avoid jail.
Freeman-on-the-land : sovereign : James here. Yes the words in this No immunity act 6.1 is actually hilarious for as you have indicated, it is purely double talk, by using words pertaining to descriptions of a subject & a state of being that can not exist in the same ralm. As such & thus mentioned in the first sentence, one who is a PERSON, or slave, can not also at the same time be under common law jurisdicion, stated in the 2nd last line. 1 under Common Law can not be approached as a PERSON.
Thanks for the lecture Robert!
I´ll try to do this in Sweden to.
DUDE! You gotta get this info to Marc! He has done so much for the great herb! Im in San Francisco but I still believe I will be using the info I learned from you so thank you Rob!
Not sure about the new head gear bro, kend of liked the old trademark Rob covering, however, bonus points for the leaf.
Interesting indeed.. But does it have any wings? Is it too late for Marc to claim this immunity? And if so can a new fight be brought about because of it?
Do we send it registered?
Do we have it Notarized?
If it does have to be notarized, & a Notary refuses to act accordingly, what steps are necessary to assert our Lawful Rights?
Is there a cartesian platform for others enticed to take a responsible & formulated plan of action?!
Given the immediacy of a possible threat for a False Flag Op perpetrated by the C.I.A. the people’s education of their Lawful Rights can perhaps be done in a circumscribed format? Just some thoughts & concerns!
Love the hat.
I believe this is why in that story on TPUC, the lady walked into COURT and said “I am not a criminal” and the court shut down. Perhaps because the term “criminal” is reserved for the artificial person of corporate origin which is the only entity a corporate government can “charge”. The term criminal in the least is something that needs to be explored, because it evokes so much fear and loathing.
Hey Robb, have you ever noticed that when they talk about “criminal charges” in code and procedure, that they only mention the “nature” of the charges, not the “nature and cause”? My guess is that the term “criminal” is only fictional, where government brings a fictional claim, but there is no common law claim behind it… that the only true claim is like the CR guys discuss, civil. That there can only be “cause” when there is a claim made at the common law, or full liability, by a living man.
You are amazing Robb. It truly is all about visualization. It’s a learning disability I have had my whole life. Any life trauma, either lived directly, or by proxy through someone else, when not totally dealt with, can totally mess up the ability to visualize the world, and paragraphs of words, with clarity. This is what they take advantage of. Thank you for this.
Thanks for all the Rob Menard work shown here, this is one way of getting to a better point in society.
Peace from all those at
freespeechnetwork (dot) ning (dot) com
Can’t we all just get along? Especially for the good of us all?
In the end we all want the same thing, peace and freedom.
I wish Marc was back in Canada, never got to meet him, but I think without his and the groups efforts as well as your own Jodie and all the fine people who helped out along the journey, I would not even be talking about cooking with marijuana for my neuropathic pain.
Peace and Love
freespeechnetwork (dot) ning (dot) com supports bringing Marc Emery home to CANADA NOW! 🙂
Michelle was the woman ran the seed business mail order and finances, and Greg was the seed desk manager. Marc was the name and face of the business, but mostly did activism. Greg and Michelle got probation of two years, but are free in Canada. Michelle was never Marc’s girlfriend either — that was me at the time, and I’ve been Marc’s devoted wife since July 23rd, 2006.
Interesting video.
John Walters probably decided on the plane ride back to DC that Marc’s head would look nice on his oak paneled wall (also metaphorically-speaking ). And well, it looks like he is going to get it?
Marc also likes ‘followers’, not individuals that think and talk for themselves, which is probably why he and Rob don’t get along to well.
All of this is just my opinion, but on a very low level, yet an informed one.
Marc is a guy with a Ego that wants to be a Martyr…
the cause is secondary to him.
( though I doubt that he will admit that part )
Also, he brought on what happened to himself by publicly jabbing his thumb in the eye ( metaphorically-speaking ) of a High ranking US official, while in front of the VPD. He was ‘done’ from that moment on, so was all his future efforts for society’s greater ‘good’,
Thanks for more…..As always
If that was a part of the deal it makes sense why he would surrender himself.
I think the powers that be indicated they would go easy on his girlfriend and friend if he surrendered.
I blame the missionaries.
Okay, I just figured you would know why he disagrees with you and the movement.
Anyways, I enjoy your videos, keep the infotainment coming. )
I cannot speak for him, nor explain his motivations.
Marc Emery isn’t a monk, he’s a seed seller.
Why doesn’t he like you ?
Why would a Buddhist Monk want to self-immolate himself? If one feels strongly enough about an issue they may decide to engage in an action they feel is a self-sacrifice to draw attention to an injustice. They may also feel they have no other option. Do not forget, Marc did ‘surrender’ himself, willingly, did he not?
Why would Marc Emery want to be extradited ? LOL