New Style Trends in Ethical Clothing

What you wear reflects your personality. This shows the importance of clothing you wear. The fashion trends in clothing also changes with time. In the present time ethical clothing are getting a new momentum. New styles are available for you to wear in the ethical clothing section. The word ethical means points to thing that where morally correct. Now with the availability of new designs, cuts, colors, fabrics and sizes ethical fashion industry is booming up. This new trend has several advantages. In ethical fashion cloth, production we can see fairly paid and fairly treated workers. Production materials used is sustainable fabrics and materials like organic cotton, bamboo, hemp and recycled materials from certain waste materials. The dyes used in the clothing would be vegetable dyes or low-impact fiber-reactive dyes. Beside these advantages in the production process, adequate importance where given for providing good healthy conditions for the farmer, the assembler and the wearer. We can also help these poor people usually in the third world countries by purchasing the products with fair trade label. This label indicates that the product where made available to you through the fair trade market. Fair trade market covers the entire globe. It makes sure that the growers and producers of different places who produce different types of goods gets fair wages and good price for the items that they produce. However, the most important fact is that the fair trade guaranteed a better deal for Third Word producers. With the spreading of this fair trade organic clothing sector is also getting a boom in the recent years. The sales of organic cotton are expecting to reach triple at the end of 2008.
By promoting ethical fashion, we are actually helping the nature, poor children, and our self. In this present time several manufacturers use unsustainable fabrics like non-organic cotton and polyester which contaminate our environment. The dying practice by using chlorine, chromium, and other pollutants will not only affect the environment it is also a great health risk for us. Besides all these merits, we will be able to prevent many poor children from child labor, as these days many manufacturers use children to in unethical ways to increase there profit margin.
The major force behind this new ethical fashion boom is public awareness. Thanks for the different Medias and other sources for the exposure of the unethical practices buy different manufacturers. Now day’s designers with heart are producing many beautiful, edgy, classic, current, imaginative ethical cloths. Consumers are showing more quality mentality than what was five years before. This promotes designers to bent there are to high quality good production with exceptional fabrics.
Ethical fashion along with environmental fashion has stepped into the London fashion industry. Many top designers in the industry are at their work for production of new designs in response to the trend.
Now we understand that ethical fashion one of the prominent up coming trends among the people in present time, let us hope the ethical character prevails not only in there clothes but also to there personality.
A former fashion design graduate from Central Saint Martins, Jane Goldsmith wanted to create an innovative and directional shop which specialized in Ethical Fashion
I am Riva,
A former fashion design graduate from Central Saint Martins, Jane Goldsmith wanted to create an innovative and directional shop which specialized in
Ethical Fashion