New Jersey lawmakers pass medical marijuana law

New Jersey will likely become the 14th state to decriminalize marijuana for medicinal use following votes in the state Assembly and Senate. The Assembly voted 48-14 to pass the “Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana” bill and several hours later, the state Senate voted 25-13 to approve the bill. Gov. Jon Corzine has said he will sign the bill and is expected to do so before leaving office on Jan. 19. The votes were a major victory for medical marijuana advocates, who crowded voting chambers in support of the bill. If Corzine signs the bill, the law is expected to take effect in about six months, meaning the state could see it’s first medical marijuana dispensaries open this year. (Video by Nyier Abdou/The Star-Ledger)
People are worried about it being more available to kids !? Would they rather these patients be on Oxy’s (read pharmaceutical heroine) and that be more available to kids?
Mantua Township is a joke
Just give up people. Maybe if everyone shuts up about it. They’ll Legalize it! lol
anyone who thinks pot should remain criminalized should be executed. actually they should be tortured to death.
lol its so much easier to get herb compared to getting someone to buy you booze.
All drugs will be legalized in the future, because in long term it’s the only reasonable solution. Everything else will only lead to more chaos.
Apart from the fact that no state, no government, nor any other formation of human interest should have the power to allow or disallow any other being what to put in your body.
I’m just afraid humanity will have eliminated itself long before it reached the mental state of mind to realize this.
Thank the lord! very happy with NJ decision! Now lets get everyone else to follow the good example NJ and the 13 other states have set and legalize Medicinal Marijuana! I’m tired of having to hide the fact i need to smoke to gain an appetite and feel better. The conflicts and hassle of getting herb is just annoying!
when is this gonna happen in florida? if they do that here, i hope it ends the making and sell of meth.
cigarettes kill thousands of people a year …that fat bitch with all thjose joints hanging around his neck is not really proving a point..i can go to the store and buy 700 cigarettes for 30 bucks ….cigarettes kill marijuana doesnt!!!!
Who cares? Legalize it, decriminalize it as quietly as you want. As a medicine and for recreational use.
Colorado has some of the best laws. They just ok’d the opening of over 380 dispensaries in Boulder….time to ski!
there Is Nothing Wrong at All With The Gahn-JaH Pharmaceutical Drugs Kill More People In The United States 20-30 years Old then Crack, Heroin, Weed, Crystal Meth , And all other Street Drugs Combined! But That Doesn’t Get That Much Media Attention Because The Pharmaceutical Companies Got financial Ties With The Media! Plus The War On Drugs Is A War On The people! Not Drugs. The U.S. Has The Highest Prison Population In The Word! 60% Of Inmates Are In For Drug Related Charges! Legalize it!!
This makes Al Gore and his hatred for plant life very angry.
2:16 he can’t even make joints
They will soon
What the fuck are they talking about it would be more accesable. I’m 15 and it’s harder for me to get alcohal than it is to get weed because weed is unregulated and isnt sold at stores. And also for those who thinks it’s a bad thing for teens to smoke weed, would you rather have them inhale some airisul and fry there brains and be permanantly brain damaged or dead, or would you rather have them smoke something that is less harmful to your body than coffee?
2:10, thats such bullshit coming from someone that clearly has no experience with mj, my joints r much fatter
I never understood why they are so concerned about marijuana, but not stuff like vicodin
Good for you, New Jersey. You should be proud that you are helping those suffering from horrible pain.
Business-Government collusion is a dangerous fact that compromises democracy. It is criminal that they suppress the truth. Why does the media continue to ignore Medical Marijuana?
While this type of study cannot conclusively prove cause and effect, the combination of this new study and existing research , which for decades has shown that cannabinoids are fairly potent anticancer drugs — raises a significant possibility that marijuana use is in fact protective against certain types of cancer.
I’m proud that our nation is at least recognizing Marijuana as a medicine, but I do wished they’d just allow it normally like Alcohol&Tobacco can be used. I can’t complain though, because this is still a very big step, now people need to be educated on the real truth of Cannabis.
marijuana is a god given plant.. I guess gods the true criminal?? Stress is the number #1 killer of all americans… all we need is a little Relaxation and MJ does wonders!!!!
They are so scared of a drug that has no direct ties to harming anyone. Alcohol kills way more people in more ways than one and is easier to get.
I am so happy. My mom suffers from MS and we live in NJ. It’s about time something good happened with the law.