my yugioh deck seems good but i need to know if there is anything i should change?

lv 5+ monsters : 2 dark magicians and chaos sorcerer
lv 4 and lower: trap reactor y fi, neo the magic swordsman, ancient gear soldier, blade knight, reflect bounder, skilled dark magician, maha vailo, jowls of dark demise, big eye, rapid fire magician, bountiful artemis, breaker the magical warrior, mask of darkness, steel scorpion, armed ninja, gladiator beast hoplomus, copy cat, magician of faith, rogue doll, tactical espionage expert, penguin soldier, and 2 mystic swordsman lv 2
magic cards: dark hole, pot of greed, ancient gear tank, 2reload, 3 mystical space typhoons, swords of revealing light, card destruction, diffusion wave motion, dark magic attack, and raigeki
trap cards: gravity bind, threatening roar, curse of royal, shadow spell, draining shield, 2 sakuretsu armor, light of intervention, spellbinding circle, secret barrel, negate attack, magic cylinder, cemetary bomb, call of the haunted, coffin seller, 2 dust tornados, and 2 trap holes
oh and just to let everyone know dont tell me any of these cards are banned i checked the website for bannings and nothing about this deck is banned.
Your deck is horrible, random and banned. It needs a theme, seems to be a bunch of random cards really, useless cards, useless normals like dark magician.
Also, next time you post. Post it in this format
Monsters –
Dark magician x2
Chaos sorceror
Trap reactor
Spells –
Traps –
or like this
Monsters –
2 Dark magician
Chaos sorceror
Trap reactor
Spells –
Traps –
because reading it like this is an eye sore.
Well, I advise checking again, because the banned cards you have are Magician of Faith, Pot of Greed, Mystical Space Typhoon is at 2 not 3, it’s semi, and raigeki.
Why do I know this? Cuz I play enough to know my meta and ban list
There are a lot of good cards in there, and there are a lot of crap cards too… a lot of the cards, like the dark magicians, have no use and really aren’t that great anymore compared to modern yugioh. I would just do without them entirely. If these are your only cards, don’t fret! cards like penguin soldier, big eye, and reflect bounder are great cards, and you can keep them. I don’t have time to be specific, so you have to figure out what really works, and what doesn’t have any purpose. You don’t have to, but many players like to play by the banlist, to make things more fair. Most people play in Advanced format, but it’s your choice. <----- link to the lists Now, there are many cards that you need to take out, and many cards that you need to put in. I don't know what other cards you have, but I recommend buying a structure deck of some sort to get your deck back and rolling again. You can keep the good monsters you have, and supplement them with monsters from the structure decks. I wouldn't buy too many boosters, you don't know what you will get, and you will benefit more from a structure deck. It takes a lot of practice to get the hang of what a good deck feels like. When you are dueling, if a monster never seems to serve its purpose and just be dead space in your hand, the answer is simple, just take it out of the deck! Just repeat this until you have a pretty well functioning deck... Maybe later, when you get this deck running, you can approach themed decks and all other sorts of strategies. That's all I have to say, happy dueling!