mrarches is a cowardly troll!

mrarches is a cowardly troll!

You’ve lost all credibility, buddy. There’s more comments you refuse to face than just this one, you constantly end up speechless in our marijuana debates, then resort to calling me a stoner and accusing me of paranoia as well as having a low IQ. If you think I’m so unintelligent, why is it that you can’t seem to have an actual discussion about marijuana without resorting to basic trolling? Rather pitiful, but always a good laugh 🙂 Waiting to hear from you on my “Marijuana Prohibition Rant” video! You’ve done a great job at proving your ignorance there lol youtube. com/watch?v=L-5SV48epIs Here’s the 15 minute video of marijuana facts overload, I invite everyone to watch it. reason. com/blog/2010/06/04/stoned-drivers-vs-drunk-driver There is another link at the bottom of the page with more info, though I know how much you dislike reading studies and facts mrarches, so we won’t be surprised when you completely ignore this and still say stoners cause lots of vehicular accidents as well as aggression and cancer lol Your not helping yourself in doing so. scienceblog. com/12116/study-says-marijuana-no-gateway-drug/ Marijuana is not a gateway drug, it’s the individual that decides what he/she uses. The person’s history and environment has more of an effect on what drugs this person is going to take than what drugs has been previously taken. canadaonline.about. com/od/marijuana/a/senatemjreport. htm Canada agrees that marijuana is not a gateway drug. www.420magazine. com/forums

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