mrarches is a cowardly troll!

You’ve lost all credibility, buddy. There’s more comments you refuse to face than just this one, you constantly end up speechless in our marijuana debates, then resort to calling me a stoner and accusing me of paranoia as well as having a low IQ. If you think I’m so unintelligent, why is it that you can’t seem to have an actual discussion about marijuana without resorting to basic trolling? Rather pitiful, but always a good laugh Waiting to hear from you on my “Marijuana Prohibition Rant” video! You’ve done a great job at proving your ignorance there lol youtube. com/watch?v=L-5SV48epIs Here’s the 15 minute video of marijuana facts overload, I invite everyone to watch it. reason. com/blog/2010/06/04/stoned-drivers-vs-drunk-driver There is another link at the bottom of the page with more info, though I know how much you dislike reading studies and facts mrarches, so we won’t be surprised when you completely ignore this and still say stoners cause lots of vehicular accidents as well as aggression and cancer lol Your not helping yourself in doing so. scienceblog. com/12116/study-says-marijuana-no-gateway-drug/ Marijuana is not a gateway drug, it’s the individual that decides what he/she uses. The person’s history and environment has more of an effect on what drugs this person is going to take than what drugs has been previously taken. canadaonline.about. com/od/marijuana/a/senatemjreport. htm Canada agrees that marijuana is not a gateway drug. www.420magazine. com/forums …
mranches is an adult with a undeveloped brain this is a disability and im sure thats why he doesn’t work and is on youtube 24/7 talking about how much he hates people that smoke marijuana.
“gateway theory” phenomenon in which an introduction to drug-using behavior through the use of tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana. The theory suggests that,an adolescent who uses any one drug is more likely to use another drug. In practice, early introduction to substance use for adolescents is often through tobacco and/or alcohol. These two drugs are considered the first “gate” for most adolescents. Under this hypothesis, tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana are all considered “gateway drugs,”
Researchers looked at over 300 pairs of twins,one twin started using cannabis before17th birthday.Michael Lynskey, at Washington University found that the early user was five times more likely to go on to use harder drugs.
Many hard drug users have followed a similar path from cannabis, to heroin and cocaine. This has led some researchers to argue that soft drugs provide a “gateway”,very few users of hard drugs have not tried cannabis first.
Below,a post from a stoner.
exactly-your 100% correct pal,almost all ppl who take class a drugs started on hash-its a gateway drug,and i smoke dope but i still know the score-a few of the boys i ran about with when i was a teenager ended up on smack,some are dead now because of it and everyone of them started smoking hash
Criminals who stated marijuana smoking played a part in them committing their crimes, Adolph Hitler, The Zodiac killer,
Jack the Ripper ,The Penguin,The night stalker, The BTK strangler,Joe Rogan,
John Wayne Gacy(The killer clown)Ed Gein,Barry Manilow,Ted Bundy,Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson to name but a few.
@MrMarijuanaKills watch?v=F_agRN3olnw
Norm Stamper, a Former Police Chief from Seattle “Not one police officer, not one, has said ‘Oh I remember this pot head who swung on me and I had to do this, and so on, and so forth'” That’s a police chief, a man who spent his life dealing with crime, and people on drugs. From low level copper to City Police Chief. Now you tell me that cannabis causes violence lmao Incurable insanity? Prove it! Over 115,000,000 stoners in US/Canada alone.
I cant emphasize enough the dangers of this ghastly drug menace marihuana to our youth.
This violent narcotic is an unspeakable scourge on our society,it is public enemy number one.
It creates shocking violence and often causes incurable insanity.
@NormanMatchem “Let this cautionary tale be a lesson to all you reefer cigarette smokers out there in your drug crazed abandon..”
STOP ! before its too late.
@mrarches Do you have any idea how many people were getting sick and dying from homemade booze, not to mention the thousands of speakeasy’s that were popping up throughout the US. All the wars between the gangsters to keep control. You tell me, did civilization improve or get worse after prohibition ended? Why do I even ask, not like you know, you don’t even know the history of your own country or cannabis, let alone the history of alcohol prohibition and it’s celebrated end.
@mrarches It’s something like 1 out of 104, so yes, OVER 99% of people who smoke cannabis don’t bother with hard drugs. I see no gateway effect there, besides, when pot is legalized it will be taken out of the illegal drug scene altogether. Pot smokers will have to go elsewhere to get the illegal stuff, and those who sell illegal drugs will have lost A LOT of money in not being able to sell pot anymore so there will be a lot less people dealing. You don’t like to think very much, do you?
@NormanMatchem YOU SAY,99% of weed users dont go on to use hard drugs,that number is way too high,but even so,99% of hard drug users started their drug taking on marijuana.
@NormanMatchem yes but as soon AS IT WAS LEGALIZED USE SKY ROCKETED.
@mrarches You should study history, do you know what happened during alcohol prohibition? Alcoholism sky rocketed, low quality booze was being brewed in people’s homes/sheds so as to make a ton of cash, gangsters made a fortune off of the now prohibited substance, resulting in gang wars to maintain control of it which is caused by prohibition. Sound familiar? It was all the cause of prohibition and these problems dropped dramatically as soon as it was controlled/regulated. Are we learning yet?
@mrarches The fact over 99% of pot smokers don’t go on to try hard drugs means nothing to you I suppose, eh? That includes myself and almost all pot smokers I know. Also why did you switch accounts? May as well stick to one, seeing as both mrarches and mrmarijuanakills are yours. Also, I hope you realize by now that it’s easier to get pot with prohibition, it’s reality. I might add that you may as well blame milk for making someone an alcoholic by your logic lol Smarten up.
99% of hard drug users start their drug taking careers on cigs,booze marijuana,inevitably marijuana precedes hard drugs. Gateway is being tempted into taking drugs by the so called soft ,harmless drug marijuana,then finding thats not enough for you and you want to try say heroin,now that person would never have tried heroin if not for first being tempted onto the drug scene by the ‘harmless,safe ‘ marijuana. no one does heroin as a first drug,Marijuana is the real gateway.
@NormanMatchem didnt get that comment ?
@MrMarijuanaKills hempworld. com/MarijuanaStore/html/kidsgetpoteasy.html
Commissioned by Health Canada, the report was prepared for the department’s effort in developing coping and refusal skills among teenagers. It said the easier access to marijuana is ironically due to the legal age limit for smoking cigarettes and the fact that you have to buy cigarettes through traditional outlets, such as corner stores.
Want more studies supporting my findings? Prohibition makes pot easier to GET.
@MrMarijuanaKills Your just a pansy if people talking sh*t scares you online lol You should drop by Vancouver on 4/20 or Cannabis day. Hundreds of stoners get together to smoke and sell pot out in the open, like it should be. This has been going on for years, and there has only been a single fight, started by a man who was drunk. I have studies to support these facts, your have nothing to support your lies. Watch The Union and an ex-police Chief will tell you that pot doesn’t cause crime.
@NormanMatchem because these ‘ facts ‘ are only facts in your own mind.
Also lets be realistic,marijuana users non violent ? ive had more threats from pot heads on here than any one else,in fact ive only ever had death threats and threats of violence from marijuana users.
@MrMarijuanaKills How is providing studies illogical? lol It’s hilarious how ignorant you are, completely incapable of accepting facts and reality. You try to paint some distorted picture where pot is bad and the only way to go about it is prohibition which has only been successful in wasting billions of taxpayer dollars, putting millions of non-violent victimless people in jail, and prevented people from getting this miraculous medicine that saves lives and improves the quality of life.
@NormanMatchem ,yes,and we all live happily ever after eh .
There you go again,’enforcement of age restrictions ‘ how many times are you going to spew that bollocks ?
We know stores/cafes wouldn’t sell to under age kids,but how does that stop older brothers/sisters or best mates giving younger people a smoke ?
You are so fucking irritating and illogical.
@MrMarijuanaKills “Ask any advocate of prohibition, including CASA’s head Joseph Califano, why they oppose legalization and you will almost always receive the same response: Keeping pot illegal keeps it out of the hands of children. Yet CASA’s own survey demonstrates that just the opposite is true. In fact, it’s legalization, regulation, and public education — coupled with the enforcement of age restrictions — that most effectively keeps mind-altering substances out of the hands of children.”
@MrMarijuanaKills You call me stupid yet you can’t understand, these teens in the study has already stated that they can get pot easier than cigs or booze. Read the whole study, read all the others. Your denying reality again, you have a bad habit of doing that…
@MrMarijuanaKills Exactly, it is banned, or ‘prohibited’. That means government gives up it’s power over the substance, and doesn’t allow it to be regulated. Instead, that means prices on pot go insane, making it worth more pound-for-pound than gold. This gives criminals a GREAT way to make LOTS of money by growing some weed. They sell it to whoever is looking for it, no matter what age, as long as they have the money. When they make more money, they can more efficiently sell this plant. Get it?