(misrepresenting) Rep. David Howard of the Montana House of Representative expounds on marijuana

SB 326, Montana Medical Marijuana Law improvement bill passed a mostly republican Senate with a 28-22 vote. SB 326 was stalled in House Health and Human Services Committee on a party-line vote- Representative Howard, the number one anti-marijuana advocate in the 2009 Montana House of Representatives- attest to his experience and relationship with the egregious drug, marijuana. This representative would leave or not even show up to any of the medical marijuana hearings held in committees on which he sat. True reefer madness mentality
check there at the National Cancer Institute. It is Medication!!!!
Want Proof look what the National Cancer Institute has to say about it.
Marijuana Use in Supportive Care for Cancer Patients
Cancer, and cancer therapies and their side effects, may cause a variety of problems for cancer patients. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and anorexia and cachexia are conditions that affect many individuals with cancer.
i can tolerate ignorance, this is mind numbing.
You absolute fucking pansy pussy fuck. SO you had a fucking job in California busting people who don’t harm anybody; and even though you don’t work for them anymore; you STILL WORK FOR THEM. You fuckin cop bitch. FUck you and the horse you rode in on. Go back to California
that guy is a worthless piece of shit.