Million / Global Marijuana March Festival – AMSTERDAM 2009 Museumplein

Small haarlem representation group at The Global Marijuana March in Amsterdam on May 9th 2009 at Museum plein… We = Coffeeshop Owner and Canna Careermaker Nol van Schaik & Coffeeshop Owner Wilco Sijm from Birdy Haarlem & Cannabist and Medical Marijuana use/ cannabisactivist Peter Lunk or http … You see us signing up for the Dutch cannabis consumers foundation …. You can buy the ‘Verdamper’ VAPORIZERS as seen in this video at http these are the worlds BEST medical marijuana Vaporizers. ______Keywords:______ marijuana cannabis hemp thc tetrahydrocannabinol cannabinoids cbd medical medicine danger dangerous dead death cancer lung insane insanity schitzophrenia nerves nervous system multiple scleroses jack herer run from the cure rick simpson amsterdam drug policy addictive addicts europe usa statistics lecture educational education
No, do not legalize it.
@StuartMB68: Many cities in UK have GMM activities; google for “global marijuana march” and you´ll find the list, YouTube wouldnt let me post the link
Also, where can I get one of those t shirts i.e. the ‘easy targets’ one ….?
@groooveman85 thanks for the info grooveman! Do you know of any such protests in the UK?
@StuartMB68 … thanks for the info grooveman! Do you know of any such protests in the UK?
@StuartMB68 GMM=Global Marijuana March, Demonstrations against prohibition in hundreds of citys world wide
Global march festival? Is that some sort of anti-prohibition protest or just the month in which it was held? Either way, I’d have loved to have been there.