Michigan Medical Marijuana Documentary

Michigan Medical Marijuana In November of 2008, a voter approved marijuana act was passed in Michigan, making it one of 13 other states to legalize marijuana for medical use. To qualify for a medical marijuana card, a patient must have a doctors recommendation to treat specific medical conditions such as cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Crohns disease, and several other chronic ailments. The act was written to protect marijuana patients and caregivers from prosecution, yet the issue raises many questions. For example, how does a patient obtain their medicine since it is still illegal to buy and sell marijuana? To answer this question, I decided to go to a local compassion club meeting, a place for marijuana patients and caregivers to network. Follow me as I attempt to uncover the truth about medical marijuana in Michigan. Directed by Kyle Papke
red tape red tape the government will not fully legalize it until they figure out how to own nature. When that happens I want to own the pineapple and the strawberry too.. so we are fucked
that guy made me almost cry… no homo.
all these rules are so stupid. why cant it just be straight up legal
@sirkodo GO BLUE!!!
Do you know if doctors will prescribe medical marijuana for chronic anxiety and/or depression in Michigan? It really helps. In fact, it has helped more than all of the other medication I’ve been prescribed combined.
Joints & Blunts ftw.
I love living in Saginaw Michigan, we got the best shit.
nice story, but there are 1000s of people like this guy, that would have or could have represented what’s going on in MI with a whole lot more respect for the ideas in MI on both sides of the story. This video in ONE SIDED and provides NO REAL information at all.
Great video also!
Ann Arbor is a rock’n town. Hash Bash April 2nd 2011!!! A good place to start
fuckk floridas so daym wackk i aint tryn to smoke no daym dirt shit lmao
I live in Michigan, And im only 16 and im getting my card in 2 weeks :))
dispensaries are comin up all over Ltown now, its pretty dope
I need to move to michigan, My back hurts now.
aolt of us in ohio envy you!! personally,im leaving this shithole state to move there right on the border so when i see the ohio state waffen-S.S. troopers im gonna blaze one just to fuck with’em. i need my meds,but dont want to locked away with murdrers and pedophiles cuz i smoked a dried up,unprocessed herb,hmm doesn’t tobacco fall under this category(except the processed part)and yes my buckeye jersey will become a welcome mat! happy ultraviolet dreamz y’all
IDAHO is considering it VOTE YES when it comes!
You already know this guy was stoned during this video. lol
@8331riverland weed is the only upside to michigan? thats your opinion, but just because the economy is down and there are some bad parts like flint, and detroit, etc. but dont forget the thousands of lakes and some of the most beautiful scenery in the nation in northern michigan.
@Hoffletrof456 Michigan isnt that great. Besides the weed thing its a shithole. Not saying Ohio is that great
Now, if only all of those hard headed republicans would watch this video and let it sink in. But ehh, what are you gonna do? They’ll always be hard headed.
@Hoffletrof456 … Cops and Govmt Agents do whatever they want. NO respect. Eff them all.
I don’t know why I didn’t go to Michigan with my Family this Winter…. I fell like a jack-ass now. =[
And why people who want to buy cannabis MUST intercourse with a mafia, thereby putting themselves at risk and are wary of police persecution? Is it not better if they ACQUIRE Cannabis special place by the State. Where are DIRTY MONEY? Why ordinary people can not engaged in this business, plant seeds, watered, grow, harvest, delivered to the state and thereby earn a living CLEAN MONEY.
It’s gay cause people say ganj is a gateway drug but really- how do you end up doing stupid things ( like new drugs) the most? Alcohol- weed is not gateway, booze is, but I won’t judge, I still am all about recreational use so I have literally no right to talk but people just need to use common sense again :/
I am in Michigan, and have Tremors and get sick almost half the days out of the week in the morning. when i smoke hash, or a strong oil the shaking almost stops completely.
should i even ask my doctor? or find another one? do i have qualifications?
2 people got arrested by the dea