Mexican Drug Cartel Busted

By Chris Furguson California Attorney General Edmund Gerry Brown announced at a press conference on Wednesday, August 26, that his office secured indictments on 16 individuals within the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico, part of the Operation Silver Fox investigation. The conference, which took place at the Imperial County Law Enforcement Coordination Center in Imperial, also showcased over $19 million in cocaine and marijuana seized, $1.7 million in US currency and 9 firearms, including 7 handguns and 2 assault rifles. This is a tremendous body blow to the Sinaloa drug cartel said Brown at the conference. Also at the conference were Imperial County District Attorney Gilbert Otero, Imperial County Sheriff Ray Loera and other local personnel. The investigation, which began in January 2009, found that drugs were being smuggled into the country through the port of Calexico using compartmentalized vehicles. The drugs would then be distributed into Riverside and other counties in California before going into the rest of the country. Thanks to the work of undercover agents and 100 surveillance operation, six search warrants were executed, which led to the drugs, firearms and currency confiscated. The port of Calexico is the #1 port for cocaine and methenphetamine transportation in the country, said Brown. There is a tremendous bottleneck right there and the Sinaloa cartel controls it. Brown also said that while there arent many people from the Sinaloa cartel in the Imperial Valley …
@vandalsist Dude, you gotta be young. If the U.S. put troops in Mexico, it’s over for you guys. No disrespect to you or any other Mexican (I have real friends that are from the country and from the west) but the U.S. is the most dominant military in the world. Also; if they really wanted to shut down any cartel, they can. The cartels (any ethnicity) work with the government to bring shit into the country. Once they feel they don’t need you anymore, you’re gone. Fucked up but true kid.
honestly i dont think the us goverment can bring the cartels down thay have thousands of people in the us and trust if push came too shube and the us gov. dared to put an army in mexico it be real bad i mean real bad, dont you think thay would of done it already thay cant stand us lol, and plus this guys are connected with the biggest criminal orgs. in the world
@RiftRaft123 Exactly!
ha 550 pounds thats like friday night in l.a this shit is childs play FUCK THE D.E.A
@RiftRaft123 …. do u think that will stop people crossing drugs? first of all these people in the video dont kno nothing lol…. i liv in calexico.. and kids cross diz shit everyday…. its funny how the u.s gov cant even stopp a 15 yr old kids crossing coke, walking across .. not even driving lol ar 15 lol…… the cartel finds more pleasure in cutting off ur head then shooting you
Need to get the military on them niggas. AR and AKs for them. Fuck tha Cartel. Talkin bout threats from the middle east, we have threats right next to us.
yea… all that coke and smack is gonna be back on the street TOMORROW. Worthless…
puro v.i calecia lado lgs gente de zambada sinaloa cartel
Big Gil “El Mas Chingon”