Medicine Faq

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Cardiology nurture: is this correct? Bachelor’s degree (in any major but need pre-med courses) 4 years Medical institution (MD in internal medicine) 4 years Internship (idk if you need this)?? Residency in internal pills (3 years) Internal Medicine Board Certification Examination Specialize In Cardiology (3 Years) (or is this called fellowship in cardiology)?? American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiology Examination…Care Home Job assistance ? I rang a care home for a part time errand and was told there is one vacancy. I be told to ring back tomorrow if I still want to work for the care home after visiting their website. So, I checked out their site and I learn that the care home has residents who have…Career backing? PLZZ ANSWERR!!? what should i take in highschool and other classes, for these follwing majors: Pychology: Phychiatrist: Dentist: Eye Doctor: Nutritionist: and any other med field that aren’t too complicated. I know almost all of them are extremely hard, but i want one that doesnt take too long, make good money, and its as hard. THANKS IN ADVANCE!…Career inquiring I necessitate serve please!? Hi I need help anyone, my dad is putting so much pressure on me and he wants me to pick my art in the next three weeks, he wants me to step be a pharmisict but I’m so scraed, I’m not great at physics or chemistry, can anybody help me tell me if that…Career surrounded by Physiotherapy – Negatives vs Positives? I’m interested in a career in physiotherapy. What are some positive and unenthusiastic sides to this profession? As several of my friends who are in that business say. they were attracted to that business by unsolved question in their own lives. Many are not fully well functioning but still may be able…Careers In Medicine? I’m thinking about possibly going into medicine when I get elder. I want to help people, but I have know impression what I would want to be. My dad is an exercise physiologist and my mom is a physical therapist, and hearing about them consult about their work makes me curious about medication. I just want look…Carribean medical college or osteopathic tablets here surrounded by the United States? Osteopathic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caribbean. At the “best” caribbean medical school, 75-80% of students will match into a US residency. At ANY osteopathic medical school, nearly 100% will contest. If you look at PCOM’s 2009 Match list, they also had over 50% of students getting into specialties, so the days…Case solving…please assist…its urgent!? case solving..please help me out! a 30 yr old nulliparous woman presented within out-patient clinic with c/o menorrhagia,dysmenorrhea,subfertility for 5 years and an abdominal mass. on examination,she is anemic and has 16 week size mass surrounded by abdomen arising out of pelvis. on vaginal examination,uterus enlarged,16 wk size,irregular,mobile and non-tender. q.1)what investigation would we suggest? 2)…Case Study comfort please? During an automobile race, two cars collided and their drivers were thrown onto the track. The first driver was without a doubt in pain, but he remained conscious and was not bleeding the second driver however be unconscious and some blood was seeping from his mouth. both drivers be taken to a major hospital immediately where…Case study for arts school requirement to know what is wrong? 67 year old woman has pain within left shoulder that radiated to breastbone and pit of stomach. She has have attacks of pain for 10 years with lengthy intervals between them. However, the attacks enjoy occurred everyday for the past two weeks, forcing her to stop working. Exertion in…Castration mcqu step 1? A 52-year-old castrated male is injured in a car stroke of luck in which he receives a direct blow to his bladder and prostate. To evaluate the damage to the prostate gland, a biopsy is taken. For the treatment of the merciful, the clinician needs to determine whether the changes observed are consistent with post-traumatic necrosis…Catabolism and anabolism? Whats the difference between catabolism and anabolism? Please give example In catabolism you are “breaking down” lager molecules into smaller ones for energy. In anabolism you are “building up” smaller molecules into larger ones. For anabolism, I always meditate of anabolic steroids and muscle growth. For catabolism, I think of cellular respiration. – Catabolism = breakdown/decomposition of…Cataract surgery of eyes? AND – Hope this link helps with adjectives information about cataract. Check out – Probably the most important decision someone who is considering cataract surgery must make is what surgeon to choose. I hold created a document for my cataract patients to help them in choosing a surgeon. The article can be viewed by clicking…Categories of disease or bug? The categories of disease are: physical, mental, social, chronic, infectious, degenerate, inherited, self-inflicted and not as much as. Can you give me one or more examples of each? physical – broken bone mental – schizophrenia social – social anxiety disorder chronic – diabetes infectious – the common cold degenerative – degenerative disc disease surrounded by…Catheter during small foot surgery? Will I have to get a catheter if I am having one screw put contained by the side of my foot? Also would they administer anesthesia for such a small surgery or would it be local? No catheter is for when you cannot move to the toilet on crutches or wheelchair you can get there…Catheter for Appendix Surgery? Do you have to have a catheter for appendix surgery? If i refuse, will they force me to? A urinary catheter is not usually needed for procedures durable less than an hour. Unless the surgery involves the urogenital system. There is no absolute time limit, but for procedures durable more than about 3-4 hours we would…Catheterization, urethra; simple? So long as you know where on earth the urethra is and have seen the procedure done, it’s extremely simple. – With males it’s reasonably natural unless there’s an enlarged prostate in the way. Then you use a smaller catheter, maybe a 12 Fr. instead of an 18 Fr. With women, ably we always have to be…Catholic Church V.S. Stem Cell Research? Do you believe that an embryo actually does count as a ‘life’ and is it unethical and immoral to verbs them when they are eventually going to die anyway? If it has cells it have freaking LIFE! If it can move it has LIFE! – I would argue that destroying an embryo once brain…Cause of dizziness and paroxysm? So last night, i got up to be in motion to the loo and suddenly felt really dizzy and fainted and blacked out for a few seconds. after i sort of remember shaking very badly – i just remember my come first knocking against the floor for a bit (like a seizure) When it stopped…Cause of elevated B12 level? My girlfriend just had blood work done and was told she have elevated B12 in her system (something about it being ’20’). What does that parsimonious? What causes it, what illness/disease could be associated with that? What can be done to fix it? Any information that you can provide is appreciated. PS, please don’t say…Causes of extermination after an overdose? Causes of death after an overdose? Say for example, somebody has had a problem beside alcohol abuse in the past and overdoses on the drug Oxycontin, making them knocked out. Thankfully they are bought conscious again and are placed in a hospital. Is there any chance of annihilation afterwards from any complications and/or problems?…CBC leukemia mcq step 1? A 55-year-old man goes to a physician complaining of increased fatigue and exertional dyspnea. He is diagnosed with leukemia. He undergoes genetic trialling, which reveals a t(9;22) translocation. Which of the following would a complete blood count most likely show? A. Increased lymphocyte count B. Increased neutrophil count C. Numerous lymphoblasts D. Numerous myeloblasts E….CBC: elevated eosilophil count? I have had three cbcs done over the past month. my eosinophils are only a little high, but come back complex each time. I learned about this when I took A&P but can’t remember what it medium. Anyone?? In addition to what Lab Guy said, the next most common is fleas, especially intestinal worms. – Ask…CD4 Lymphocyte Information? I was researching about CD4 Lymphocyte, but I want more information. Helper T cells display CD4 protein, see antigen fragments associated with MHC II molecules, and secrete several cytokines, most importantly interluekin-2, which acts as a costimulator for other PA T cells, cytotoxic T cells, and B cells. – Cefixime – does a single dose of 1400 mg nouns right? Cefixime – does a single dose of 1400 mg sound right? The nurse gave me 7 tablets of Suprax Cefixime 200mg/tablet and told me to take as a single dose. It’s for a possible infection – i might not even own the infection, i’m just taking it to be…Celexa Side effects dance away? Yesterday morning I took 10mg of Celexa, a little around an hour after ingest I started feeling weird, a touch sick. By 1o’clock I felt like someone had given me nitquil and closely of marijuana, I was seriously like stoned. I couldn’t concentrate, I was repel, tired, couldn’t seem to hold a convo, and I…Celiac or h pylori? I am vitamin d & iron not good enough and I don’t know why? My blood tests show I am low in iron (this happened once before) and I chomp through meat regularly. I am also vitamin d deficient. I hear this one is common but I take 1000 ui’s a light of day along with…