Medical Marijuana – Is It For Real?

The modest plant Cannabis sativa is the center of one of the hottest topics of politics, religion and medicine throughout history. Amid all the controversy and regardless of where they stand on the issue, doctors have to look curious. Is marijuana the miracle drug it is supposed to be in some circles, or is that a lot of media hype? And as the marijuana is dangerous, addictive drugs tangled road to excess, that the moral crusaders would have us believe, or is that a lot of hype? The allegations about the medical benefits of marijuana, when everything would instantly make him one of the most versatile drugs in history. So far, research has suggested that it could treat Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, dystonia, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders, gliomas, hepatitis C, hypertension, incontinence, osteoporosis, pruritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep apnea, and Tourette’s syndrome . The reports of new findings pour in every day. The latest claim is that Cannabis extracts can shrink brain tumors and other cancers cranial cavity by blocking the growth of blood vessels that feed them. Beyond medical treatment of existing diseases, marijuana also entitled to a full range of preventive major problems. It is to prevent blindness, migraines and depression. It is said that marijuana has both the growth came to a halt and eliminated brain tumors in rats. Oh, and he fights hardened arteries and actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors. Come on, it can really be so? What else, it makes white whiter and brighter colors? It could be that the news of marijuana’s medical care used to be much arguing, are by the desire to motivate them for recreation use, and legalization. After all, we are on a cheap, easy to grow, high low-dose psychoactive drugs with a mellow, speak almost no side effects, and tune to a low level of physical dependence. Its impact can be felt only by eating it, although smoking and, increasingly, they evaporate, the preferred methods of recreational human consumption. There have been no reported deaths or reports of permanent damage as a result of a marijuana overdose sustainable. It has not fool no sense – people want to celebrate, and could do with such a recreational motive to all the facts they could justify their hands on their right to party. A dose of marijuana and the associated high produce a group of psychoactive effects. The drunken state something similar to the effects of alcohol. Temporary impairment of memory functioning, motor skills and cognition are all demonstrated. However, the effects of marijuana largely depends on the mood of individuals with dispensing. In short, more of a body at rest tends to be at rest, and a body in motion to remain in motion. This variable effect is known as a “set and setting”. The illegality of the use and demonized his reputation as a gateway drug to create the Flack in the opposite direction. With regard to international laws, it is for all applications in law about 10% of the world’s population, decriminalized for medical use in about 50% of the world, but illegal enforced in 10% of the world, and fully illegal in 30% of the world’s population. Part of this is misleading, however – it is either decriminalized or legal to go for medical use in 18 U.S. states as far as state law, but still illegal at the federal level. Even in parts of Europe, it is only in designated areas of law, so the country does not really count. Finally, “decriminalized” is not the same as “legal,” but only means that possession of a criminal citation, seizure, and a fine instead of jail time. It is probably the final close that there is a considerable amount of propaganda and disinformation of marijuana both supporters and opponents because of the legal issues of marijuana, including the legal and political constraints marijuana research, the entrenched beliefs of the public, and religious beliefs against them. The most disturbing factor in marijuana research is the predominant use of other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, in the subjects. Such complications demonstrate the need for research studies on marijuana, where stricter controls are used, and studies in the symptoms of consumption of marijuana, which could be caused by tobacco or other drugs. Much research marijuana in the United States is sponsored by government agencies to publish position papers that only cite studies showing that negative consequences to report the use of marijuana. In view of this, some people question whether these agencies are an honest attempt to make an accurate, unbiased summary of the evidence, or whether they are inclined to present the results for maintaining criminalize it. The medical field is in the middle of an ethical and scientific tug of war that a feeling of comfort that many should be caught. After the big controversy over abortion, stem cell research, scientific evidence shows the evolution, cloning and gene therapy, cosmetic surgery and artificial insemination, could blame you hardly, if medical researchers have disgusted and quit – or at least packed their bags and left the country for a city where they could do their work without quite so much politics in their way. The medical marijuana issue has a particularly poignant milestone recently. The case of Angel Raich, a woman who is a long-term and terminally ill patients medical use of cannabis in California. Mrs. Raich is an Oakland mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumor, chronic nausea and other symptoms and complications. On the advice of her physician, she eats or smokes marijuana every few hours through the day to ease her pain and bolster her appetite has not worked as conventional drugs. Despite the lost, the hospice, where they live, was attacked, and she faces prosecution. Your doctor has protested against the fact that marijuana, the only thing she has in life, and now the Federal Court of Appeal after the decision that they will be prosecuted by the law extended – still is! Not only that, but that’s not even the first time that medical marijuana has been denied as a treatment option, even the terminally ill and are in states where it is legal for medical use. This sobering state of events illustrates the bind that the doctors are in. There are still rare in the history of one such case where the criminal law and the Hippocratic oath to be with such opposition have been to each other.