Medical Marijuana Has Been Legal For Years

California was the first State to approve Medical Marijuana in 1996, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had cleared the use of Medicinal Marijuana in 1986, as the pill form of Marinol. Marinol contains the active ingredient in Marijuana known as
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is considered to be, Medical Marijuana. Marinol is primarily used in association with chemotherapy for Cancer patients, alleviating nausea and vomiting. The “Pill” is also used to assist with loss of appetite by AIDS patients.
Why then did the medical community and FDA, give recent proponents of the leafy plant such static regarding legalization? First of all, Marijuana would have been the FDA’s first (and only) drug approved with a smoking delivery system for medicine. The FDA has long considered the similarities of Tobacco and Marijuana too unsafe for the general public. Tars, 400 plus chemicals burning, poor delivery, difficult to regulate, and difficulty in administering doses, were impassable hurdles facing clearance. To show that they aren’t such a harsh agency, the FDA points to their acceptance of Morphine and the opiate family.
The FDA may have to dig deeper in their acceptance hearts, as the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research has concluded an interesting study. From August 2004, to May 2005 at the University of California San Francisco, smokeless delivery was examined. The primary objective was to evaluate the use of a vaporization system (The Volcano) as a smokeless delivery system for inhaled Marijuana. The results were positive, and a two thumbs up green light has ushered in a new era in the consumption of Medical Marijuana.
Santa may be hauling a lot of extra weight on his sled this year, in the form of Vaporizers.
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