Medical Marijuana: Do you Qualify?

The medicinal uses of cannabis, more commonly known as marijuana, dates back thousands of years. One of the first known uses of cannabis was by the Chinese physician Hoa-tho in the early 2nd century as a surgical anesthesia. Today many experts recognize that medical marijuana (MMJ) and the healing properties of cannabis offer relief for a variety of crippling medical conditions like nausea from chemotherapy, chronic pain, HIV/AIDS, and glaucoma.Are you a candidate for MMJ? Opinions vary from expert to expert, but a common thread emerges when it comes to the benefits of MMJ. The healing properties help many patients cope with their disease by improving the overall quality of their lives. A report by the Institute of Medicine entitled, “Marijuana and Medicine” points out that the cannabinoids in marijuana “have benefit in relief of pain, increase in appetite, and relief of nausea and vomiting.”If your medical condition presents these as issues, you may be a good candidate for MMJ. The identified ailments to get a medical marijuana card also vary from state to state. In Colorado, for example, there are eight recognized conditions that a physician may select when recommending approval for a registry card. These conditions are:CancerGlaucomaHIV/AIDSCachexiaSevere PainSevere NauseaSeizuresPersistent Muscle SpasmsDon’t let this rather narrow list dissuade you in seeking out a medical recommendation. Medical cannabis has been well documented to be effective in the treatment of nausea, PMS, weight loss, Cancer, glaucoma and muscle spasticity. New studies and findings are showing positive results for a whole host of medical conditions including: Chron’s disease, fibromyalgia, migraines, multiple sclerosis, and even Tourette Syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder.If you suffer from these or like conditions, seek out the recommendation of a qualified physician in your state. Your health and general well-being may be improved by the use of medical marijuana.
Learn more about Medical Marijuana in Colorado:
Learn more or join in on a discussion of how Medical Marijuana can help you at the Colorado Medical Marijuana Info blog and forum.