Medical Marijuana Dispensaries discussed at Pacific Beach Planning Board

The Pacific Beach Planning Board placed Medical Marijuana Dispensaries as an item on the agenda of their May 27th meeting. Rebbecca Hernandez who was scheduled to give an anti-medical marijuana presentation on behalf of HARM (Health Advocates Rejecting Marijuana) walked out of the meeting in the face of heavy opposition. With Ms Hernandez gone the PB Planning Board used all their time to hear testimony from citizens in favor of the dispensary. A worker from the PB Collective (the dispensary discussed at this meeting) was also in attendance. This video includes some of the t 8 individuals who spoke in favor of allowing the medical marijuana dispensary to continue operating.
We are looking for Medical Cannabis users to post up reviews of their favorite dispensaries! Google MMJSpots and register. 10 Posts gets you 2 stickers!
Nice to see medical marijuana on the agenda for once. Lots of time to hear patients at this meeting.
The County gives 2 minutes to the subject whenever the decide to meet.
June 16th is a good chance to make the County listen for a change.
Good for the people who are willing to take time out of their lives and make a public stand for medical marijuana.
I hope more people wil continue to do so.
See you all on June 16, 8:00 am at the
County Building on Harbor Drive to welcome back the County board of supervisor to their first public comment since the supreme court has ordered them to START FOLLOWING STATE LAW!