Medical Marijuana Cultivation 101: part 1 of 2

For high quality playback: The FarmAssist, ThC, presents a lesson in Outdoor Cultivation Basics for medical marijuana. Part 1 of 2 We welcome your comments and ratings. Patients Without Time (PWT) is a medical cannabis support and informational network. We share information concerning Hawai’i medicinal cannabis / marijuana laws and practices. Partnered with Maui County Citizens For Democracy In Action (MCCFDIA), PWT has mounted an extensive campaign on both the County and State levels to better provide for the medical cannabis / marijuana patients in Hawaii. Maui County Citizens For Democracy In Action (MCCFDIA) is in the midst of the largest citizen’s voter registration drive ever seen on Maui. Serving Maui’s advocacy groups like Patients Without Time (PWT) and Citizens Action Now (CAN), MCCFDIA emphasizes the need to utilize the Democratic Process to enact the changes our people need. Hawai’i State Representative Joe Bertram III has graciously lent his support and services in our efforts to help our citizens use this Democratic Process. http Music: “School Days” recorded by Louis Jordan Video recorded and edited by Issei Productions.
@Crombienation17 please learn to read he was being sarcastic….
dis in maui? im frm hawaii too but on OAHU
how long have you ben growing?
Actually you should water generously and allow the soil to dry out and then repeat. Constantly watering the soil with small amounts restricts root development and forces roots downward, faster instead of allowing them to grow into almost all the soil instead of just the bottom 1/3 or so. plants will not need transplanting as soon as well as be able to grow a little bigger.
prohibition is due to Oil companies, (who run the united states) Dont want to pay the middle man (farmers) to grow hemp. Cuz whats cheaper then free oil.. underground. Dont want the hemp products to take over nylon and polyesters, which are made by oil. Wait and see what they turn to once most of the oil is used up in 100 years.. guess what they will turn tooo!!!!!!!!
discuss medical marijuana
when a smoker/marijuana smoker dies from lung cancer,the doctors dont say’ did this man smoke cannabis?’ as its mostly illegal,they simply say ‘ this person died from smoking related cancer ‘ when have they ever said, ‘ this person died from cancer but it was nothing to do with the cannabis he smoked ,it was only the tobacco ‘
Marijuana smoked gives off more tar and the same carcinogens or similar ones that tobacco gives off,now think about it
@whatevermon shut up spa fuck money legal weed all the way
Have a look at vvvvv.hemp4curedotcodotuk. Great videos & free registration…Great video.
@torchrunner2010 YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!
im staring to doubt indoor grown stuff. the stuff i get from dispensers are ok , i’ve gotten bad ones, yes bad ones can u believe that. their stuff looks good but theres something in the high that is not quite right. ive been getting ragweed all my life and whenever i get good ones i’m quite happy. so far, the stuff ive been getting in dispensary… i don t know.
@rockondon DMT wanna try it someday!!!
@torchrunner2010 not true you only need to hold it in for about four sec.
just finished my first mmj grow =D now I have more than I know what to do with so my other mmj patient friends will be very happy in the coming weeks.
Nothing like some good medicinal marijuana……remember people if you want twice the high, hold it in twice as long.
i dont know why but i just got a boner seeing that shit dam
is pot illegal because it would make gasoline?make jeans..canvas?cannabas sounds like canvas?rope everything would be made in america
when we dream the most potent drug in the world is in our body it makes us have crazy dreams..listen to the joe rogen show
medical marihuana
Very informative.
Nice vid man
@whatevermon or how bout you can grow it your self and sell it (with the government give you a permit and no whos selling it they can tax you 50$ an ounce that you grow)
i think that would solve alot you can grow it sell it and give money to our government to get us out of this damn debt! WOOO IMA GENIUS!!