Medical Marijuana / Cannabis Cultivation: Trees of Life at the University of London

- ISBN13: 9780955011221
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
Product Description Medical Marijuana / Cannabis cultivation has to grow sections on propagation, hydroponic systems, nutrients, additives, oxygen, sex determination, carbon dioxide enrichment, pH, biological pest control, fungi / disease, pruning / training, breeding, harvesting, machinery, facilities, medical applications , industrial applications, applications, and more spiritual. Presented in full color photographs in this book easily surpasses any other publication on the subject. . . In regard to. . . More>>
Medical Marijuana / Cannabis Cultivation: Trees of Life at the University of London
Poorly edited: First of all, this is not a book. This is the unedited transcript of a DVD, a DVD, which appearantly is to produce not legal because the British government to blame. As such, it reads very bad, it’s repetitive and boring by nature, all stutters and slang. As boring the unfounded allegations of the author – Rendering of the book are scientifically useless Titels.Poor despite the effort: The images are actually entire pages from several frames of the DVD – essentially the same picture over and over with the author in slightly different positions makes all made from the pictures in this way, useless, as all the frames together too small to be useful, a large frame drum would be sufficed nicely haben.Überschüssiges material: Pages 259-493 are all fillers, everything from historical snippets about cannabis use during the times, industrial use, a glossary, an index with two lines (more pages) and (not a BS) a complete set of conversion tables, including miles and Quadratkilometer.Fazit: Good, filling qualify for a large number of pages. Name implies, prestige, but this is not an academic press material worth his salt would be disclosed in a million years. Unsubstantiated assertions, no bibliography (credible, given the format!) Repetitive in both images and language, uncut and hard to read. Author is a selfish and self Promotor.Einfach left an obvious trick: I had expected, a book outlining a project from a UK university. What I got was an unedited copy of a DVD with a ton of filler. Not in the academic sense. Far inferior to the content and layout to latest edition Jorge Cervantes’s verglichen.Rating: 5.2
The grow guide provides the most up to date, documented and presented graphically complete grow guide ever published where everyone, electronically or in printed form. Nothing can compare, it is a step by step guide walks you through each step of the cultivation of cannabis, from beginning to end. It is the Alpha to Omega, the cultivation of cannabis, and takes you on a journey to help a complete cycle, creating the spark of life by awakening the seeds from their sleep, maintaining the life in and slowly but surely, the lives of their entropic wyrd way to meet completion of the harvest, manicure and curing of the resin-coated solid crystallized buds of Magick medicine. 5 stars all the way. . . Hats off to Mr. Winter Borne. Rating: 5.5
This book is basically divided into two parts. The first half is a transcription of the DVD documentary made at Un. of London on growing hydroponic weed. This part is interesting, with good info. If you are a good guide while looking to grow, this is not the book. It lacks many features and is more informative and instructive. And what are the specific information may be difficult to find due to a bad index System.Die second half is history, general information, and the use of medical marijuana. And finally, some of the classic literature on cannabis Rausch.Ein good book for cannabis afficianado, well illustrated, informative and entertaining Geschichten.Nicht as good as a grow “Bible”. Rating: 5.3